Watching SNL 40 thread


Ultimate Seminole Insider
Gold Member
Jun 24, 2002
Was that Free playing guitar with McCartney?
All of these clips emphasize what a great show it's been over the years (better in the early years, IMO).

Jimmy Carter talking to the guy who OD'd is classic. And I love Turn Ferguson on Jeopardy.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by EconSean:
All of these clips emphasize what a great show it's been over the years (better in the early years, IMO).

Jimmy Carter talking to the guy who OD'd is classic. And I love Turn Ferguson on Jeopardy.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Damn spellcheck. Turd Ferguson.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by ncnole1975:
Miley was awful.
Surprised she didn't make a spectacle of herself, and actually chose a song that people over 40 would recognize....
It's a moot point if Mcartney sucked or not. He certainly should be included with being on SNL for decades.

Miley has no reason to be on there , evidenced by the least applause of any person by far, when she first appeared.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Agree with the Jeopardy skit, everyone was in fine form. McCartney needs to retire that song from his repertoire, funny he can hit the high notes but was botching the mid range stuff. Agree that Cyrus had no biz being out there. Chevy did look rough and after all the hoopla and introduction, you'd think Eddie Murphy could have at least come up with a good one liner, either spontaneous or given. That was awkward. The musical bit with Short and Rudolph was good, they both still nailed it. Even her thighs look like Beyonce's.
Originally posted by travnole:
It's a moot point if Mcartney sucked or not. He certainly should be included with being on SNL for decades.

Miley has no reason to be on there , evidenced by the least applause of any person by far, when she first appeared.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
True enough. It as an odd choice...
Paul Simon has also got "old man voice" like Paul McCartney....makes you appreciate singing marvels like 88 year old Tony Bennett.

Dana Carvey looked like he hadn't lost a step....hopefully he'll get cast in some more things besides those Hans and Franz State Farm ads. At least Martin Short is making a bit of a comeback (he was over the top in Inherent Vice).

Other than being a running gag on dead cast members, I was surprised they didn't use Jon Lovitz for anything.

Overall, it was entertaining from a nostalgia standpoint, especially since I really haven't watched that show in over 5 years...
Haven't watched the whole thing yet but what I saw was great.

"Le tits now"
Originally posted by cmanole:

Originally posted by travnole:
It's a moot point if Mcartney sucked or not. He certainly should be included with being on SNL for decades.

Miley has no reason to be on there , evidenced by the least applause of any person by far, when she first appeared.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
True enough. It as an odd choice...
Miley over someone like Elvis Costello? Odd choice.

McCartney sounded awful. Should have let him make his appearance in the beginning and then not had him sing, I thought.
Miley was eh. Odd choice in music.

McCartney sounded awful. Glad he at least tried but t some time he was just yelling. Kanye too was bad. His autotune must have screwed up because he didn't sound this bad at the Grammys.

Paul Simon while I'm not a fan at least sounded well.
I don't care what you all say - Miley was the only "singer" they had on there last night that was worth half of a damn.

I don't care how good Paul and Paul were 20+ years ago. Now, in 2015, they suck balls. I wouldn't bother if they were both playing for free in front of the local grocery store. Yes, they're legends, but in the same way that paying Kobe $25M for how good he was 5+ years ago is a stupid decision, me paying $150 to watch either/both of them destroy songs they used to be good at singing would be a waste of money.

And Kanye? I wish the set had fallen on him while he was laying on his back.

As for the rest of the show, it kind of made me introspective to look at how old these people that I grew up watching have gotten, because it means that I've gotten that much older as well. Dan Aykroyd and Chevy Chase both looked really, really old last night.
Originally posted by DukeFan1:
Paul Simon has also got "old man voice" like Paul McCartney....makes you appreciate singing marvels like 88 year old Tony Bennett.

Dana Carvey looked like he hadn't lost a step....hopefully he'll get cast in some more things besides those Hans and Franz State Farm ads. At least Martin Short is making a bit of a comeback (he was over the top in Inherent Vice).

Other than being a running gag on dead cast members, I was surprised they didn't use Jon Lovitz for anything.

Overall, it was entertaining from a nostalgia standpoint, especially since I really haven't watched that show in over 5 years...

I was at FSU in the late 70's and it definitely brought back a lot of memories for me. No matter what party you were at on a Saturday night, everybody's attention turned to the tv at 11:30 to watch SNL. It's amazing how many actors/comedians got their start on SNL.
Originally posted by DFSNOLE:
"Jane, you ignorant slut!"
I had heard this quote before but last night was the first time I saw this skit. I rarely laugh at the tv but for some reason was cracking up when they showed it- woke the baby up I was laughing so hard.
Jim Carey doing Matthew McConeghy and the Lincoln voiceover on jeopardy..hilarious along with the Turd Ferguson sighting...Jeopardy skit was by far the best live skit of the bunch
Finally finished the whole episode. The Jeopardy bit was the best, but there were other parts that were pretty funny too; but I thought this episode was more about nostalgia than comedy, which I enjoyed it for.

Miley actually wasn't that bad, although I wish they would have mixed the artists up a bit more. I get having McCartney and Simon on there (although I really wish PM would just stop, he sounds God awful), and I get having one newer artist, but why not a middle one, something from the late 80s or early 90s (or is that what Paul Simon was supposed to be)? I mean, I'm sure a lot of those guys aren't doing much.

But the most offensive part of the night was Melissa McCarthy impersonating Chris Farley's Matt Foley character. Look, MM, I get it, you're overweight, and a woman, and we're all supposed to be progressive and PC and all that BS, and blah blah blah, but you're not that funny. You're mildly, occasionally funny, as a bit character on a movie with someone else who is actually funny.

I'll always watch SNL, even when it's just not that good, something about the show is always entertaining to me.

And I usually get annoyed when people act like they know famous people, and are all sad when they die; but honestly, I genuinely miss Phil Hartman and Chris Farley. I'm not saying they enter my thoughts on a daily basis or something, but they were immensely talented, and will always be two of my favorites comedians.
I don't find McCarthy funny at all. Hated Bridesmaids, Identity Thief and The Heat, but actually chuckled when she dove on the desk the other night. Her Matt Foley was better than Emma Stone's Roseanne Roseannadanna, imho.

This post was edited on 2/17 10:12 AM by NoleHitterThru8
Did they have Joe Piscopo? Have not seen or heard from him in many years.
Originally posted by fsugrad:
Originally posted by Bobcat07:
Originally posted by LesClaypool:
Haven't watched the whole thing yet but what I saw was great.

"Le tits now"
I haven't laughed that hard for a while when he said both of those. Funniest part of the show.

It's my understanding Eddie Murphy didn't want to be there. His segment was more like a "life-time achievement" award than anything else.

One thing is for certain...Chris Farley is missed.
Originally posted by CobNole:

I haven't laughed that hard for a while when he said both of those. Funniest part of the show.

It's my understanding Eddie Murphy didn't want to be there. His segment was more like a "life-time achievement" award than anything else.

One thing is for certain...Chris Farley is missed.
Murphy turned his back on SNL after a David Spade Hollywood Minute on SNL where he made fun of Murphy's string of bad movies in the 90s. They showed a picture of Murphy and Spade said, "Look children, a falling star." Murphy chewed Spade out on the phone afterwards and apparently Murphy felt like Spade didn't respect that fact that Murphy saved the show. Spade recently said they ironed it all out though.
Originally posted by NoleHitterThru8:
I don't find McCarthy funny at all. Hated Bridesmaids, Identity Thief and The Heat, but actually chuckled when she dove on the does the other night. Her Matt Foley was better than Emma Stone's Roseanne Roseannadanna, imho.

Are you a commie or something...those movies are hilarious...especially Bridesmaids!
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by DanC78:
Originally posted by NoleHitterThru8:
I don't find McCarthy funny at all. Hated Bridesmaids, Identity Thief and The Heat, but actually chuckled when she dove on the does the other night. Her Matt Foley was better than Emma Stone's Roseanne Roseannadanna, imho.

Are you a commie or something...those movies are hilarious...especially Bridesmaids!
Posted from Rivals Mobile
I'll give you Bridesmaids, as far me being in the minority. I don't know if it was because I saw it way after everyone and it had been hyped so much, but I just didn't think it was that funny. Felt like it was too long at over two hours and the tone was really uneven. One minute you got someone pooping in a sink and the next moment you've got Wiig just being this incredibly sad depressing character. But Identity Thief is rocking an ABYSMAL 19% on Rotten Tomatoes and The Heat is a mediocre 65%, so I know I'm not the only one who didn't like those.
Originally posted by DanC78:
Originally posted by NoleHitterThru8:
I don't find McCarthy funny at all. Hated Bridesmaids, Identity Thief and The Heat, but actually chuckled when she dove on the does the other night. Her Matt Foley was better than Emma Stone's Roseanne Roseannadanna, imho.

Are you a commie or something...those movies are hilarious...especially Bridesmaids!
Posted from Rivals Mobile

Is this real life? Bridesmaids is mildly amusing but The Heat is awful and Identify Thief is only slightly better.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by Rhino_nole:
Originally posted by DanC78:
Originally posted by NoleHitterThru8:
I don't find McCarthy funny at all. Hated Bridesmaids, Identity Thief and The Heat, but actually chuckled when she dove on the does the other night. Her Matt Foley was better than Emma Stone's Roseanne Roseannadanna, imho.

Are you a commie or something...those movies are hilarious...especially Bridesmaids!
Posted from Rivals Mobile

Is this real life? Bridesmaids is mildly amusing but The Heat is awful and Identify Thief is only slightly better.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Bridesmaids gets points for use of the 'C' word, especially calling a teenager one; any movie that does that gets points for me. But again, she's a side/bit character, not the main; which I think she can have a long career doing that, I just don't think she's anywhere near funny or talented enough to carry a movie.

Haven't watched the other two, because they looked completely unfunny, which is weird for IT because I love Bateman, but I absolutely loathe Bullock, that dude just isn't entertaining or funny in any way shape or form.