Every bit of real world data and logic completely refutes your “no impact on you” take. And there is nothing whatsoever about paying attention to facts and honoring reality that makes those who do so “bullies”.
As just one example: We know from every credible study of Covid hospitalization and death statistics around the country that unvaccinated hospitalization and death rates have been running more than 5x greater than for those who are fully vaccinated.
Putting aside the very real devastation this has had and continues to have on families, communities, exhausted doctors, nurses, morticians, health care facilities, etc., it has also impacted all of us as tax-payers and insurance purchasers, and will do so for years to come as we all pay those mounting costs.
Here’s one recent analysis estimating
over $13Billion in preventable hospitalization costs from June 2021 through Nov 2021 alone, due to Unvaccinated Covid patients (factoring in the significantly lower probability for hospitalization if fully vaccinated)… and this $13B is funded by insurance companies (which ends up increasing all our insurance costs) as well as by taxpayer funded public insurance.
Please explain exactly how the much higher probability of Covid hospitalization and death among the unvaccinated miraculously has zero impact on the vaccinated?
COVID-19 vaccines have been free and broadly available to adults in all states and the District of Columbia since mid-April 2021, meaning adults in the U.S. have generally been able to be fully vaccinated for COVID-19 since late May 2021 if receiving a two-dose vaccine. COVID-19 vaccines are...