What is Your Most Embarrassing Personal Sports Memory?

About 1977-78, high school golf match at Seminole. We were on like #6 or so and I got cramps and had to crap really bad. I just dropped my bag in the fairway and started walking back to the club house. I really didn't want to go in the bushes.

Well, I got within site of the clubhouse when it hit me. I dropped my drawers and leaned against a tree trying to be as out of sight as possible and just let it fly. I'm positive several people saw me. I gathered my pants around me, went on the the bathroom and cleaned myself up and went back out on the course to finish. Not my proudest moment.
strangely a lot of bodily function stories....more than I would have thought.

Favorite so far is missing the bicycle kick and the ball landing on your face. The own-goal experience is more common than people think I would guess Can completely empathize with the pressure of having people watch you tee off. Also very gratified to read about the dude who hit the same guy 3 times....Good to know there were some other terrible pitchers who for some reason were kept on the mound.
This is long and probably not worth it, but I might as well give it all the flavor. Here's my best story, the one that I still hear about almost 25 years later.

I did shot and discus on my high school track team. While I was by no means good in a macro sense, in our crappy little six-team Catholic league (which included a school for the deaf and a school in the inner city with about 50 students) I was the best. It was the only time in an official sports capacity I was ever a success. And I was especially enamored with the fact that the Buffalo News paper ran the high school track box scores with the winner's name of each event. With two events, I usually was in the paper at least once in the box score pretty much every day after a meet, and often twice.

But somehow that wasn't good enough for me. In our league, you could do a max of three events, so it was theoretically possible, and some kids did, get their name in the box score three times by winning all three events. Somehow, I became obsessed with getting my name in there three times. The problem was...I only had two events. I was reasonably fast for a short sprint for someone my weight, so I started agitating with our coach to let me run a leg of the 4 x 100 relay against one of the suckiest opponents. It was the last event, so we'd know if we won. And our 4 x 100 team was excellent, so three of those guys and me could have still beaten many schools we played.

But there was absolutely no reason for me to be allowed to do that, it was simply selfish and stupid. But I never let up about it.

So it's the last meet of my high school career. It's on a Friday, and me and some guys on the team got plans with all the rest of our buddies to go out after the meet, so all our friends decide to show up to watch us for the first time in four years. Which is nice.

Niagara Catholic shows up with about nine total guys to cover the whole meet. They've got some events with just one person in them. I win the shotput and the discus, and we've got the meet mathematically won about 20 minutes after it starts. And I start walking up to the coach...he sees me and says "Save it. I've got you in the relay. You're welcome." So I run up to all my buddies in the stands, "You guys! You've got to see this! I'm going to run the 4 x 100 baby! I'm going to win three events!" coach doesn't put me in the 4 x 100, he puts me in the 4 x 400. Which is about 4 x farther than I'm used to running. I'm assuming on purpose. I don't find out until shortly before the event, when he yells at me to get out there... and I'm running the anchor on top of it.

Well our 400 guys are excellent, so I'm nervous and a little irritated, but I'm thinking I got this. These opponents were scrubs anyway. As the first three legs unfold, we're burying the time I get the baton, I've got about 250 meters on the other team to work with. But, in a-hole fashion, I get the baton and take off like a bat out of hell. I'm chugging, and I'm STRETCHING the lead...I can see my opponent not too far ahead of me on the track. I'm going to lap these scrubs! My friends are going bananas in the stands for me.

For about 150 yards I felt that way at least. At that point I know something was wrong. By 200 meters I was losing feeling in my legs and not getting enough oxygen. By the time I hit 200 I was slowing down precipitously. At 300, I thought I was going to die, and now the only thing I can hear is my friends laughing, drowned out intermittently of blood pulsing in my head. I basically cover the last 100 meters at what would generously be called a brisk walk, and the other runner walks me down with a good 50 meters to spare. I stepped across the finish, kept walking up into the stands, and sat down. My entire lower body had quit on me, I couldn't feel anything below my chest. I couldn't stand up for over an hour, just sitting there alone on the bleachers until my friends got tired of making fun of me and left.

And I'm still reminded of it every time I see them. And every time, I hear it, I was that much faster at the start, and finished that much further behind.
The other time was at a practice for our freshman basketball team. I don't remember the exact scenario that led to this, but at the end of a grueling practice, the coach was mad, I guess at our shooting, and said we weren't going home until someone made a free throw, and we'd have to run a suicide for each miss.

He called me to the line, probably knowing exactly what he was doing. I proceeded to miss, and I don't remember the exact number, so I'll be conservative, about 47 straight free throws. We were there about 45 minutes later than scheduled. It was actually more horrifying than my track experience, because it lasted much, much longer, and in that case, I was the only casualty. I thought I was going to get knifed in the locker room after practice, but I don't think anyone had the energy.
I was a pretty decent HS WR (I played at Chamberlain High in Tampa with Brodrick Bunkley). Anyways, we're playing Tampa Bay Tech and we've been running out routes from the slot all game. We have them perfectly set up for the wheel route up the sideline. Coach calls the play and I'm amped up, thinking for sure I'm about to catch a touchdown, at home in front of my parents, friends, etc.

Well the play develops just as I thought it would, they roll up and bite on the look of an out pattern, only for me to sprint u the sideline. I'm wide open, like no one within 5 yards of me wide open. The ball comes flying through the air, a perfect pass that will hit me in stride as a coast into the endzone. I put my hands out to cradle the pass over my shoulder and... It bangs right off my chest to the ground. So there I am, standing literally by myself as the ball rolls away. I'm pretty sure the jog back to the huddle took 6 years and yet I didn't really want to get back there because I knew the ribbing I was about to take.

Still think about that one all the time.
The one that comes to mind:

Between the first and second quarter of the 2006? UF/FSU game (Where it was raining, and tebow was covered in paint). A buddy in marketing asked if I wanted to take a field goal for $10,000. I spend my entire tailgate practicing, and when I went out there and tried to kick it, in front of 82,000 fans, my plant foot slid out and I ate it. Funny thing is that I still kicked the ball with enough height and length, it just went left. I got a lot of ridicule for that one.
The one that comes to mind:

Between the first and second quarter of the 2006? UF/FSU game (Where it was raining, and tebow was covered in paint). A buddy in marketing asked if I wanted to take a field goal for $10,000. I spend my entire tailgate practicing, and when I went out there and tried to kick it, in front of 82,000 fans, my plant foot slid out and I ate it. Funny thing is that I still kicked the ball with enough height and length, it just went left. I got a lot of ridicule for that one.

HAHAHA AWESOME! I was at that game, but was probably too drunk to recall such an event. I'm sure that applies to most of the younger people in attendance.
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HAHAHA AWESOME! I was at that game, but was probably too drunk to recall such an event. I'm sure that applies to most of the younger people in attendance.

come to think of it, I was at that game too. I was too pissed about the beat down they laid on us to pay attention to the half time events.
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come to think of it, I was at that game too. I was too pissed about the beat down they laid on us to pay attention to the half time events.

I actually just watched a quick recap of the game. That was a dreaded Drew Weatherford/X Lee debacle game. I still think Michael Ray Garvin was in-bounds on that kick return, should have a touchdown dang nabbit!
Scoring the first 4 pts in a basketball game,,,,,,,,,,,, for the other team.
Yep the first 4 points. We had designed play off the tip with me usually breaking for layup. This game the other team jumped the play and the ball got batted around to the other teams end of the court with a wild scramble for it. It got knocked out to me as I was running to get in position for defense. Since it hit me in stride I just laid the ball in like I would have normally on the tip play. Every thing happened so quickly the other team grabbed the ball to inbound it. We were set up in a press and I intercepted the ball at half court (remember they were heading to our end of the court) and had a break away lay up again. I was fouled on the shot and as we were setting up for the free throw one of the refs realized what had happened and stopped play. The score changed for 4-0 for us to us being down 0-4. I had a chance to redeem myself at the end of regulation with 2 FTS, one to tie, two to win. I hit the first and missed the 2nd and we lost in OT.
The refs still blew that call, divin. If you scored that first bucket in the wrong basket, the ball was not properly put back in play when they subsequently threw that inbounds pass that you stole. It should've been YOUR team taking the inbounds pass, since the first basket you scored was for the other team.
So after all these years, you're off the hook for the 2nd bucket. You can owe me a beer for the massive weight I've just taken off your shoulders.
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The refs still blew that call, divin. If you scored that first bucket in the wrong basket, the ball was not properly put back in play when they subsequently threw that inbounds pass that you stole. It should've been YOUR team taking the inbounds pass, since the first basket you scored was for the other team.
So after all these years, you're off the hook for the 2nd bucket. You can owe me a beer for the massive weight I've just taken off your shoulders.

Yep, that second basket is a bad deal.

That said, that's one of the craziest stories like this I've ever heard. That must have been something.
The refs still blew that call, divin. If you scored that first bucket in the wrong basket, the ball was not properly put back in play when they subsequently threw that inbounds pass that you stole. It should've been YOUR team taking the inbounds pass, since the first basket you scored was for the other team.
So after all these years, you're off the hook for the 2nd bucket. You can owe me a beer for the massive weight I've just taken off your shoulders.

I have never thought of that, but you are right. I wish my coach was still alive, he gave me a lot of good natured grief through the years about that. I could return some of the grief and blame telling him he should have caught the refs on their mistake.

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