Whose life would you have liked to have experienced?

Formerly Rockymtnole

Ultimate Seminole Insider
Feb 9, 2013
Current or historical figure, or someone in between.

You're not trading places so you still have your wonderful life and lovely family (and same financial status) when you wake. If you want to choose someone simply because they did great work, that's fine, or maybe you're thinking of someone who's less noble but nonetheless led a really interesting life for their time.

Who you got?
Sinatra is a good one.

Young Hemingway

Capt Tony would be another good one. I had the chance to meet and hang out with him. His daughter went to FSU, we worked with each other. When Buffet came in town back in 2002 (I think 2002) he came in town. We sat with him and he told us stories about Buffet. When he sang Last Mango in Paris he recognized him in the crowd and said this song was written about him. It was pretty cool moment.

Go listen to interviews with Capt Tony, very interesting man.
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Sinatra is a good one.

Young Hemingway

Capt Tony would be another good one. I had the chance to meet and hang out with him. His daughter went to FSU, we worked with each other. When Buffet came in town back in 2002 (I think 2002) he came in town. We sat with him and he told us stories about Buffet. When he sang Last Mango in Paris he recognized him in the crowd and said this song was written about him. It was pretty cool moment.

Go listen to interviews with Capt Tony, very interesting man.

Josie? I had a few classes with her. Cool chick.
Bush 41. Dude came from money and is living a sick life. Plus as head of CIA, VP and President he must know more secrets then anybody alive ever.
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Sinatra is a good one.

Young Hemingway

Capt Tony would be another good one. I had the chance to meet and hang out with him. His daughter went to FSU, we worked with each other. When Buffet came in town back in 2002 (I think 2002) he came in town. We sat with him and he told us stories about Buffet. When he sang Last Mango in Paris he recognized him in the crowd and said this song was written about him. It was pretty cool moment.

Go listen to interviews with Capt Tony, very interesting man.
Good choices. Jimmy would be as well. Guy is still living the dream.
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Dwight Eisenhower. Born in 1890, went to West Point, served in two world wars (one as the Supreme Allied Commander in Europe), president of a university (Columbia), and was a two-term President of the United States. He died in 1969 and the amount of societal change he would have observed in his lifetime is quite impressive.