Why do Tax Collector's put their name on everything?


Veteran Seminole Insider
Aug 6, 2002
Indian Rocks Beach
I don't care what the name of the tax collector is. I have seen it in many jurisdictions. All stationary is labeled "John Douchebag, XXX County Tax Collector". I received my tag registration renewal and it asks me to make the check to "Charles W. Thomas, Tax Collector". Last year, it was to the prior tax collector's name. It probably costs a lot of taxpayer money when a new collector comes in to change all the names on documents and I find it incredibly vain. When I make out a check to the IRS, it doesn't go to "John Koskinen, Commissioner of Internal Revenue". Why the hell should some local yokel get their name placed on everything and have all government checks made out to them like I am writing them a personal check?

I don't mean this to be political, just wanted to discuss why general douchebaggery like this becomes standard.
I don't care what the name of the tax collector is. I have seen it in many jurisdictions. All stationary is labeled "John Douchebag, XXX County Tax Collector". I received my tag registration renewal and it asks me to make the check to "Charles W. Thomas, Tax Collector". Last year, it was to the prior tax collector's name. It probably costs a lot of taxpayer money when a new collector comes in to change all the names on documents and I find it incredibly vain. When I make out a check to the IRS, it doesn't go to "John Koskinen, Commissioner of Internal Revenue". Why the hell should some local yokel get their name placed on everything and have all government checks made out to them like I am writing them a personal check?

I don't mean this to be political, just wanted to discuss why general douchebaggery like this becomes standard.
Just make the check out to Ceep All Schools Happy,... or you can abbreviate it if you must. CASH. Hollah and I will send you the address.
I don't care what the name of the tax collector is. I have seen it in many jurisdictions. All stationary is labeled "John Douchebag, XXX County Tax Collector". I received my tag registration renewal and it asks me to make the check to "Charles W. Thomas, Tax Collector". Last year, it was to the prior tax collector's name. It probably costs a lot of taxpayer money when a new collector comes in to change all the names on documents and I find it incredibly vain. When I make out a check to the IRS, it doesn't go to "John Koskinen, Commissioner of Internal Revenue". Why the hell should some local yokel get their name placed on everything and have all government checks made out to them like I am writing them a personal check?

I don't mean this to be political, just wanted to discuss why general douchebaggery like this becomes standard.
Agreed. I've thought this many times. There are other public officials that this is true of too. The supervisor of elections seems to have his name plastered all over a lot of documents too, come election time. The other really dumb one is the name of the governor on roadways once you enter a new state. IDGAF who your governor is just b/c I'm driving through.

Let's start a movement to stop this. I will contribute no money and no time, but I will provide some cheerleader style "rah-rahs" for those that do.
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which begs the question, why are we electing an office manager?
I have long thought that electing the Supervisor of Elections, Tax Collector, Property Appraiser and Clerk of Courts is ridiculous. Sheriff I get, but not really any of the others. Maybe Supervisor of Elections to keep influence of those appointing them out of them counting votes, but even then they have influence over their own jobs.
Free advertising for an elected position. Not really anymore complicated than that.

This, of course. It's one of the silliest positions in all of local government. The office is completely self-perpetuating, either by machine or "the girls." In the old days, when a tax collector died, his wife would step in to fill the position. Mind you, she knew NOTHING about the job. Some of these husband-wife teams held the post for 50-60 years. Earl K. Wood in Orlando held the post until he was 96.....think he did much after, oh, say age 80 (being generous)????
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