Agreed, except I believe Blankenship is only more aggressive on balls straight at her. Side to side and straight, back Muffley has it all over her. Now, Muffley tries to get fancy with her backhand on side to sides when it isn't necessary. I have seen her many times do a backhand when she has plenty of time to circle the ball and do a crow hop. Backhands look pretty, but invariably leave the fielder in a bad throwing position. Syd has mastered it at third base, Muffley has not, and like you say, she doesn't have the strongest of arms.
The shortstop/second base double play is the weakest of the lot. Neither Muffley, Blankenship, nor Flaratey (sp) do it correctly, mainly due to none of the three have mastered the underhanded throw to first, nor the bounce back and throw to first. It is a noticible weakness on our infield. We could have many more dp's if they could. That is on the coaching staff, as all of them have arms that could get it done. They just aren't coached to do, so in my opinion.
All of the above is, as you say, just a personal opinion, doesn't make it 100% correct, by any means.