Very interesting case this has hooked me in like the Adnan Syed case. I'm sure books and films will be made over this one.
Based on the affidavit details, IMO the police have enough to nail the middleman/woman and the 2 gangster thugs who actually pulled the hit.
KM refusing immunity is insane. Why would she go to prison for the rest of her life for an ex boyfriend? Makes zero sense, especially since her messages to him are mostly about getting more money or more cars out of him. Why would a money hungry whore risk a lifetime in prison for this guy?
Can the prosecutors convict her first, then talk to her again before sentencing and agree to put in for a reduced sentence is she cooperates? This woman just doesn't seem to be in reality and it might take a judge to sentence her to life in prison before she realizes how much of a good deal she just passed up.
Convicting any of the Adelsons will be tougher, even if KM cooperates. They need to nail down the money better. Right now they can show some low dollar checks for a few hundred that DA wrote to KM, but the defense can effectively write that off as a salaried employee. The real heavy cash deposits to KM's account haven't been traced to the Adelsons (as far as we know), and the police have to fix that problem before they can pursue any of them. Based on the affidavit, it appears that there is no smoking gun 100k cash deposit or withdrawal, it looks like the Adelsons were smart and broke it up into very small increments over a year or more to draw less suspicion.
As for KM's defense money, the defense attorneys claim it is coming from family members. Depending on the size of her family, that seems semi plausible to me but only if they are putting up cars, houses, and other large assets spread across many family members.
The judge said there's no nefarious activity in KM's defense payments. That may be true, but how would the judge know? Since the judge hasn't allowed the prosecutors to investigate that, I'm curious as to how he could ascertain that KM's family is not receiving support from the Adelsons. Does the judge have his own investigative team breaking down bank accounts from all of KM's family? I doubt it.
This is a fascinating case.