Well north of half of floridian’s have received at least one shot.About half of Floridians have been " vaccinated". I don't know if that means all the shots or partial. Surely someone knows if the most recent outbreak is more severe among the UNvaxed, or the vaxed (I'd look it up myself, but at 10,800 feet and one bar,some of the time, that gets tedious). If the incidence rate is way higher among the UNvaxed, then much of this thread is like arguing on the number of angels who can dance on a pin head-- fun, but of limited relevance. I'm sure with the explosion going on there, you got enough sample sets to go from.
in miami dade nearly 92% of the county 18+ has received at least one shot. Over 75% 18+ is deemed fully vaccinated. 99.9% of those 65+ in miami dade have had at least one shot and 85% are fully vaccinated.
most other counties, particularly the large counties in Fl have close to the same vaccination rates as miami dade for the 65+ age group.