Has been a long time

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Here’s an example of you parroting far left arguments.

In response to a post in which I linked a book by a center left professor that I explained agreeing with. You went right after the Candace Owens diatribe. No one brought her up but you. Her arguments aren’t referenced. I agree with your preamble, however it’s completely not relevant to anything I posted. But you’ve just got to punch that “bigot” button. That’s far left.
I don’t know who brought up Candace and who didn’t, but she’s a nut job.
Here’s an example of you parroting far left arguments.

In response to a post in which I linked a book by a center left professor that I explained agreeing with. You went right after the Candace Owens diatribe. No one brought her up but you. Her arguments aren’t referenced. I agree with your post minus the white priv conclusion, however it’s completely not relevant to anything I posted. But you’ve just got to punch that “bigot” button. That’s far left.
You are a piece of work. Using Candace Owens and Larry Elder in my response as easily recognizable examples of what I was clearly discussing in and of itself makes me a “far leftist”. By that super nuanced method of political categorizing, you’d be sitting in the same seat with Alex Jones, right?
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You want to talk about right sided bigotry as your primary emphasis points in discussing socially relevant issues. And you’ve now brought up Alex Jones. So, you’ve brought up Alex Jones, a clear crazy person, Candace Owen’s, grifter and nut job, and Larry elder (I know far less about him so I won’t label). No, you’re not hitting on the MSNBC spectrum stereotypes at all. I’m just a far right piece of work and lack nuance.
Yawn. I’ve got things to do now before FSU hoops. Have a good one.
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Those that use illegal labor. Yes. I don’t blame the people walking across the border.
And we’re fortunate that folks on the right have so loudly and consistently held our most recent GOP POTUS to public account for his decades long documented use of undocumented workers at his hotels, golf courses, winery and other properties.

Illegal immigrants being such a front and center threat to Murica, surely that must be a dealbreaker. Or maybe him doing a firing cleanup years later, well after railing against illegal invaders and being exposed by leftist fake news media, made the hypocrisy disappear.

Oops, my bad, never seen a peep about that by his acolytes on these boards. Weird.
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why are you talking about trump supporters?
Everything But Sports message board.
Kinda thought that since the politics box has already been ripped wide open, I get to discuss whatever I find relevant to the convo, and this convo has clearly been about illegal immigration. Are Trump and his supporters untouchable?
So sorry if anything that doesn’t categorize and vilify leftists is not cool with you.
Can you please supply a Bandit Centrist-Approved Topic List? Thx man.
8 to 8 FSU StJohns.
Not untouchable. Just irrelevant largely. Just like Candace, Alex Jones et al. Dont think anyone in the thread has expressed any interest or support for any of these. But certainly it’s what far leftists like to talk about. So preach on.
and I've expressed no interest or support for any "far leftists", but has that stopped you from your incessant "far leftist" idiocy? Hell no lol.
(oh, and please don't come back with any of your "talking points" weak sauce... I could easily match up plenty of your drivel with far right "talking points"... does that make you an alt righter? You claim no. Do better.)
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I never asserted you supported a far leftist.
lol, you define absolute mess.
So I'm a far leftist who doesn't support any far leftists. Gotcha.
But you, with your full-throat support of all kinds of rightwing ideology (or at least until you get called on it and go back 30 mins, an hour later to furiously edit every comment lol) are a self-avowed centrist who understands the correct political spectrum the bestest of anyone. You're a very stable genius. Brilliant.
lol, you define absolute mess.
So I'm a far leftist who doesn't support any far leftists. Gotcha.
But you, with your full-throat support of all kinds of rightwing ideology (or at least until you get called on it and go back 30 mins, an hour later to furiously edit every comment lol) are a self-avowed centrist who understands the correct political spectrum the bestest of anyone. You're a very stable genius. Brilliant.
You have got to stop making it so personal. I agree with some of what you say but your constant personal attacks cloud your message. Maybe start taking the high road.
You have got to stop making it so personal. I agree with some of what you say but your constant personal attacks cloud your message. Maybe start taking the high road.
Cool, so I should just absorb all the "far leftist doofus" insulting insanity and not dish it out, because we Dems are the "snowflakes"? Nah I don't think so. People who can't take it shouldn't dish it.
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I also delete my posts after a while too. Just a habit.
WTF is up with that? If you have nothing to hide and stand by your commentary, why would you delete your posts?
Sure, there are lots of crazy things people do that are "just a habit", and that doesn't make doing them any more defensible.
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I’ve only been punching back. And, I have been editing out those lines. I admit I get annoyed at the personal insults and the strawmen and crappy arguments. My off the cuff responses are sometimes not what I wish to convey. So I edit them. I can most certainly take it. Note, I’ve not reported anyone. I’m still here. If that’s the level of discourse you want, fine.
"My off the cuff responses are sometimes not what I wish to convey. So I edit them"
How can you not see how weaselly and problematic that is on a message board in an ongoing conversation?
What I respond to each time is what you originally post -- not your later corrections to make the commentary less provocative, or to delete it altogether.
And then you follow up your admitting to altering and deleting your comments after the fact with "If that’s the level of discourse you want, fine."
Uh no, I want discourse with normal humans (even if I disagree with them) who have the integrity and cajones to own up to what they post, rather than setting up responders to look like the bad guy because the impetus for the response has been removed or neutered.
Personal or not, are you really this dense?
Cool, so I should just absorb all the "far leftist doofus" insulting insanity and not dish it out, because we Dems are the "snowflakes"? Nah I don't think so. People who can't take it shouldn't dish it.
Disengage if it gets personal. The recurring theme is that your posts tend to get nasty with most posters you disagree with, myself included. Which is why I usually try to avoid you. Bottom line is you come across as an intelligent person, so you really don’t need to go low imo.
Shrug. Again, you guys insult me first. Eg. You just called me dense. I don’t edit after you respond. I do delete later. But after that part of the conversation is resolved.
Nope, I've checked, since I've noticed that more than just rarely you've neutered what I already responded to.
I edit as well... but only immediately after I post if I see a typo or whatever, not AFTER people have already responded and certainly not to change what they're responding to, or to delete it altogether. The fact that this even needs explaining is whack.
No wonder others chime in as if I'm the bad guy... I can understand that it could look much more like that when what I'm responding to has been neutered or disappeared.
Disengage if it gets personal. The recurring theme is that your posts tend to get nasty with most posters you disagree with, myself included. Which is why I usually try to avoid you. Bottom line is you come across as an intelligent person, so you really don’t need to go low imo.
What you or others consider "nasty" is up for debate. As a Dem, I'm clearly in the minority on these boards ideologically, no matter how close to center I am on anything, and I'm not hesitant to call a spade a spade, so I understand how that rubs some the wrong way when they don't want to be challenged. I'm not bending over and taking others' snark and insults and being Mr. Nice Guy to appease anybody.
What you or others consider "nasty" is up for debate. As a Dem, I'm clearly in the minority on these boards ideologically, no matter how close to center I am on anything, and I'm not hesitant to call a spade a spade, so I understand how that rubs some the wrong way when they don't want to be challenged. I'm not bending over and taking others' snark and insults and being Mr. Nice Guy to appease anybody.
Fair enough. Doesn’t explain why you have torn into me on the baseball board in the past but I will remember in the future that you play with your guard up.
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But that’s not true. Dfs, dem. Belem, dem. brain vision, commi, Hayduke, dem.
It is 100% true. Do you fully understand what "in the minority" means?
I'll help.... it doesn't mean there aren't any other Dems.
It means there are very clearly many more on the red side of every issue on here.
Fair enough. Doesn’t explain why you have torn into me on the baseball board in the past but I will remember in the future that you play with your guard up.
If I actually "tore into you" on the Baseball Board, and without any impetus to prompt that, I apologize. I honestly don't recall that. Any example?
In any event, I don't recall finding anything particularly objectionable about what you post, since even though we differ politically, we both seem to be more supportive of Florida State, less prone to conspiracy stuff and also less reactionary to every single thing that goes wrong in any football/basketball/baseball game than many who like to immediately blame this or that coach or admin, or worse, to inject unnecessary reference to the race of whoever they're excoriating, etc.
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Normalized? This forum has been dead for years. Norms are being established.
And if that's so, hopefully Bandit-style trolling - admittedly posting things quickly just to see what kind of response you can get, with no self-filtering, and then later neutering/deleting them - will not be one of those norms.
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I would enjoy a forum in which trolling and insulting each other is not the norm. I would also enjoy being able to be a “far left” poster without being denigrated and dismissed on that basis.
BUT... if you support "defund the police", can we discuss that, even if just by DM.
I understand the need for police reform, putting more $ towards understanding and addressing root causes of offenders' choices, etc., but don't get the "defunding" part or that Kick Me branding.
Also have issues with the "CRT" branding and some of the more extreme lengths that is taken, which seems to impede buy-in/understanding, acceptance and any cooperation on meaningful action.
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I agree, generally. Though we should be just as derisive of far left as Nazi or qanon conspiracy theorist racist. It’s a matter of degree.
Pardon me but still trying to figure out how your game is played... Is this another one you just barfed up here to bait responses, and will later neuter or delete?
I'm not that familiar with BrainVision's posts, but don't recall him suggesting killing millions of Jews, Roma or anybody else (not even dozens), or anything about a secret cabal of Republican pedophiles.
Some of you were not alive in the '60's and '70's.

SDS was on all campuses and in some cases, really of the charts. What some call far left is not even close to those days.

We had Radical Jack, preaching anarchy, everyday across from the B school in front of the Moore Auditorium.

When I moved back to Tally in 2017, I was totally shocked at how conservative it had become. I'd been down here a lot to visit, but living here is a completely different story.

I had lunch with a co-worker from the '70's and she was bragging about the MAGA BD party she had given for her mother. I didn't say a word, but that was just a few months ago.

Tally was not like this in the '70's.
I understand nazism. That’s another big debate. Are communism and Nazism on opposite spectrums? I’d argue they are not based on authoritarianism as the scale’s defining feature.

But no, aside from his economic views being pretty irrational in my opinion, I don’t think he’s equal to nazi/qanon and I think he should feel comfortable posting without being attacked.

He does, however make very insulting motivational inferences (eg supporting voter id is racist) but that’s typical of left sided posters.
OMG, then you have never studied it. I did, along with Philosophy of National Liberation movements, a course I took here at FSU, taught by a Palistinian refugee.

And, when I went home on break, the base commander stopped by the house, and wanted to know what books I was reading. We had a really interesting discussion, and no, my dad did not get demoted, he got promoted, and a new and better job.

It was very different then.
Never studied it? You are objecting to communism and nazism both being totalitarian systems? Hell, Soviets were nationalistic too. I’d argue that beyond the authoritarianism and the killing, there’s really nothing worthy of discussion that differentiates them.
But to be fair, you'd also argue that there's really nothing worthy of discussion that differentiates any number of things that are actually provably factually super different, whenever it's most convenient for your trolling.
You do you.
(That Nazis bit though... WTF, way off the range.)
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Well this conversation has been interesting, but I need to get ready to go out to my immigrant friends' Wine House, to meet up with other immigrant friends, to listen to my other immigrant friends who just happen to be professors, therapists, sommaliers, etc.

Oh, and we'll be listening to Brazilian music, and probably see some of the Brazilian entrepreneurs that just happen to live here.
Never studied it? You are objecting to communism and nazism both being totalitarian systems? Hell, Soviets were nationalistic too. I’d argue that beyond the authoritarianism and the killing, there’s really nothing worthy of discussion that differentiates them. Ie. There’s nothing worthy of discussion that differentiates them. Far right = far left. Horseshoe theory.
Communism is not totalitarian. If you studied it, you would know that the version that the Soviets employed was nowhere near communism. We have communism in the US. It is call military boot camp. Everyone is the same, everyone with the same priveleges.

The Soviets called themselves communists, but there was no communism in that at all. It was nothing but flipping power from the wealthy aristocrats and giving it to the poor. It was always a dictatorship, pure and simple.

Communism stems from the word community, and commune. Everyone is the same, everyone is equal. When have you ever seen that in Russia?
Well this conversation has been interesting, but I need to get ready to go out to my immigrant friends' Wine House, to meet up with other immigrant friends, to listen to my other immigrant friends who just happen to be professors, therapists, sommaliers, etc.

Oh, and we'll be listening to Brazilian music, and probably see some of the Brazilian entrepreneurs that just happen to live here.
That sounds lovely! Have a great evening.
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Well this conversation has been interesting, but I need to get ready to go out to my immigrant friends' Wine House, to meet up with other immigrant friends, to listen to my other immigrant friends who just happen to be professors, therapists, sommaliers, etc.

Oh, and we'll be listening to Brazilian music, and probably see some of the Brazilian entrepreneurs that just happen to live here.
“Ants feasting at OUR summer picnic”.

Seriously enjoy your evening. The only think that might sound better would be some Churrasco. 🍖
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“Ants feasting at OUR summer picnic”.

Seriously enjoy your evening. The only think that might sound better would be some Churrasco. 🍖
Maybe the entrepreneur will show up and decide to do another churrasco. He's got it all built in, in his back yard. He had one before. It was great!!.

But, Brazilians typically run off to Brazil for two months at this time of year because it is summer down there.
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Good immigration is great. Unfortunately, the line of foreign doctors, chemists, engineers, business executives and other professionals trying to enter the U.S. is long, and extremely expensive to navigate. THOSE ARE THE FOLKS WE WANT HERE, yet we have incredible barriers complicating their entry.

Meanwhile, complete unknowns pour across the border EVERY DAY like ants at a summer picnic. God only knows who all is in that crowd. But despite the obvious health, safety and security concerns, the current leadership completely ignores the issue. LOL. If anyone really wants these folks near you, please post your address in this thread so we can help direct them to your house. OK????
What were your ancestors that migrated here? All doctors? Mine were poor day workers who didn’t know the language. But their grandchildren went to college and became very successful. Their children are all very successful as well. Not every immigrant needs to be highly educated to contribute.
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