Judith looks to be about 3 or 4 in the episode 2 weeks ago.
She should be about 2.5 in the Walking Dead Universe.
Judith looks to be about 3 or 4 in the episode 2 weeks ago.
She should be about 2.5 in the Walking Dead Universe.
Unfortunately Judith is still alive. I wish AMC had the balls to follow the comics in that respect.
And yes @funksouljon kids are welcome. Honestly the 10am start and the fact we'll probably be curb stomped, will keep attendance way down. But I'll be there. My kid usually stays home with his dad so it's been a nice weekly get away.
Basketball season is underway so unless the dogs wanna kid sit I never get that get away. What was the name of the bar again, it isn't official yet.
Im just ready for him to die and go back to England. He was a great character but has finally bugged me enough. Let's move on.
Yep, I’m done with Rick, Michone, Maggie and Daryl. Kill them off and mix in the few interesting remaining characters from TWD (the King, Jerry, Carol, Jesus, Aaron and maybe a new take on Negan) and add in the now wholly interesting FTWD characters (I loved the last season, it redeemed all of the terrible seasons before it and there's now a lot of really interesting characters remaining). And go back to making one good show.
Kevin Costner picks him up in a boat and he heads to Waterworld.So how does he go out? die and get eaten? Turn into a walker? Taken away by the helicopter people? Make it to a camp and die there?
Kevin Costner picks him up in a boat and he heads to Waterworld.
I'm heartbroken and pissed at he same time. I lost it seeing Hershel.
Rick being alive and no one knowing is infuriating. I'd rather him be dead. Those movies better be about him trying to get home.
Oh great a 6 year time jump and a bunch of new people. Sigh.
Looks like AMC is planning on building a series of movies around Rick's new adventures > https://www.cnn.com/2018/11/04/entertainment/rick-grimes-the-walking-dead-movies/index.html
How many of you will get suckered into it?
I'm heartbroken and pissed at he same time. I lost it seeing Hershel.
Best theory, I've seen yet. Seems legit.Neither, the helicopter people takes Rick to the Headquarters of Umbrella and 9 years later he comes back with a new code name, Albert Wesker.
Oh for God's sake... They're several years late if they want to do movies on this, unless it's just a made for tv movie. Do they really think people are going to line up for a movie based around Rick now?Hmm, interesting. I will watch but they really need to get his personality together. Perhaps moving the character away from the show's framework and expectations will be a good thing.
Oh for God's sake... They're several years late if they want to do movies on this, unless it's just a made for tv movie. Do they really think people are going to line up for a movie based around Rick now?
Oh for God's sake... They're several years late if they want to do movies on this, unless it's just a made for tv movie. Do they really think people are going to line up for a movie based around Rick now?
With everything going on with Rick, I forgot that was probably the last of Maggie too. And it sucks because it was about money.
With everything going on with Rick, I forgot that was probably the last of Maggie too. And it sucks because it was about money.
I think it might be a little of both. Norman Reedus got a ginormous contract. Melissa McBride just signed back on too, but no where near the about as Norman. Working on Danai Gurira too, but she is in high demand.