Is anyone still watching the Walking Dead?

Unfortunately Judith is still alive. I wish AMC had the balls to follow the comics in that respect.

Woah! Kill the babies huh? No clue if they keep her since Carl was killed, but the whole babysitting a kid in this world just bugs me. I struggle to get someone to babysit the kids so I can go watch the game at a sports bar (Sarah, are there other kids at the Sat events?, thinking about the Clemson game this week). Rick either turned Michonne into a full time sitter or is able to get some of these simpleton Alexandrites to play with his kid while he takes multi-day trips to all these other settlements.
Judith surviving what they went through, with no mother and barely any supplies, is more unbelievable than the dead walking. Well to me it is haha! She's been watched over by random's in Alexandria for a while now.

And now the show looks like it is going to force a Richonne baby on us and then have Rick die. Ugh.

And yes @funksouljon kids are welcome. Honestly the 10am start and the fact we'll probably be curb stomped, will keep attendance way down. But I'll be there. My kid usually stays home with his dad so it's been a nice weekly get away.
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Decent episode. Just got done watching it. I'm happy that others are revolting against Rick. Ridiculous that Negan and the Saviors could have done what they did and not suffer retribution. Good for Oceanside.
Daryl is saying and doing all the right things for a change. Cindy's recount of what Simon's group did to them was rough. I can't wait to see what Maggie does. (But unfortunately I don't think Negan will die still)
And yes @funksouljon kids are welcome. Honestly the 10am start and the fact we'll probably be curb stomped, will keep attendance way down. But I'll be there. My kid usually stays home with his dad so it's been a nice weekly get away.

Basketball season is underway so unless the dogs wanna kid sit I never get that get away. What was the name of the bar again, it isn't official yet.

While I thought Negan's over the top pontification was funny, they are going to have to sell it hard if they think many people will accept him "seeing the light" and not being despised. I think keeping him alive was silly unless they have some grand plan.

Actually caught it on the same night this week. After a couple solid episodes I thought this week reverted to the cheesy cliffhangers and B-movie cheap scares of recent seasons.

I fast forwarded through most of Michonne and Negan. Maybe I missed a lot but don’t really care at this point. Rick on a Stick is interesting. Does the show have the guts to turn him into a walker? That would be pretty awesome.
I thought it was an "okay" episode. Wasn't paying attention to the Saviors vs Kingdom standoff, so no idea how that played out. Negan was actually spot on in assessing similarities to Michonne... not a shocker she didn't want to hear it out of principles. (And, no, not labeling spoilers since it's two days post-fact and interest is definitely waning across multiple platforms.)

Next week sets up to be simply a farewell episode with no real plot movement, so preparing for that.

Biggest intrigue at the moment for me... who Anne/Jadis is connected to.
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Im just ready for him to die and go back to England. He was a great character but has finally bugged me enough. Let's move on.

Yep, I’m done with Rick, Michone, Maggie and Daryl. Kill them off and mix in the few interesting remaining characters from TWD (the King, Jerry, Carol, Jesus, Aaron and maybe a new take on Negan) and add in the now wholly interesting FTWD characters (I loved the last season, it redeemed all of the terrible seasons before it and there's now a lot of really interesting characters remaining). And go back to making one good show.
Yep, I’m done with Rick, Michone, Maggie and Daryl. Kill them off and mix in the few interesting remaining characters from TWD (the King, Jerry, Carol, Jesus, Aaron and maybe a new take on Negan) and add in the now wholly interesting FTWD characters (I loved the last season, it redeemed all of the terrible seasons before it and there's now a lot of really interesting characters remaining). And go back to making one good show.

Interested in seeing if they merge them or if they keep separate. I expect they want separate shows for revenue etc, but that will get old if FTWD never makes it to Alexandria and are on a perpetual pilgrimage. But I did enjoy last season. I also liked 1 and 2 as well. The last one at the Mexican compound, meh.
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I love Rick. But all of this has been on him and his stubborness to have some peaceful utopia because his dead son wrote a letter. I listen to a few podcasts that are such big Richonne fans they are blinded by it. It's Daryl's fault, it's Maggie's fault. etc. That herd coming down of them is because of whatever happened back at the camp with the Saviors. He doesn't trust anyone enough to help and now he's stuck on some rebar.

I can't believe Michonne would be dumb enough to let Negan get in her head. But at least she figured it out at the end.

The only reason I slightly care about Jadis Anne is because I think that is how the Whisperers are getting introduced. It'll be interesting to see how that plays out without Carl and Rick.

I'm going to be very upset next week. I'm an overly emotional person so I'm going to cry a lot. But it's going to be cool seeing some old faces in his fever death dreams!
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Settling in for Rick’s last episode. The series won’t be the same without him.
So how does he go out? die and get eaten? Turn into a walker? Taken away by the helicopter people? Make it to a camp and die there?
Kevin Costner picks him up in a boat and he heads to Waterworld.

Neither, the helicopter people takes Rick to the Headquarters of Umbrella and 9 years later he comes back with a new code name, Albert Wesker.

Rick's horse clearly has multiple personality disorder. Last week, it spooked when the herd of walkers was several minutes away, throwing Rick & causing him to be injured. Last night, at times he remained perfectly calm with walkers close enough to touch him, and even stayed close by when Rick dismounted & both were surrounded by walkers. Then bad horsey kicked back in & he bolted when a few walkers got within 50 yards of him.
I'm heartbroken and pissed at he same time. I lost it seeing Hershel.

Rick being alive and no one knowing is infuriating. I'd rather him be dead. Those movies better be about him trying to get home.

Oh great a 6 year time jump and a bunch of new people. Sigh.
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I'm heartbroken and pissed at he same time. I lost it seeing Hershel.

Rick being alive and no one knowing is infuriating. I'd rather him be dead. Those movies better be about him trying to get home.

Oh great a 6 year time jump and a bunch of new people. Sigh.

When that scene started, I was starting to think I'd slipped into early stage Alzheimers as I was wondering "who the hell are these people, I can't remember them at all."
I'm heartbroken and pissed at he same time. I lost it seeing Hershel.


Especially with him being dead and filming this episode 6 months ago. It felt like a very creepy homage to him. Sad. I see him appear in all sorts of odds and ends shows movies these days. Makes me wish they were able to film his part even stronger / longer.
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Hmm, interesting. I will watch but they really need to get his personality together. Perhaps moving the character away from the show's framework and expectations will be a good thing.
Oh for God's sake... They're several years late if they want to do movies on this, unless it's just a made for tv movie. Do they really think people are going to line up for a movie based around Rick now?
Oh for God's sake... They're several years late if they want to do movies on this, unless it's just a made for tv movie. Do they really think people are going to line up for a movie based around Rick now?

According to Orlando's link, yes they do! But it won't have the same allure for me that it would have back in seasons 1, 2, 3. Plus, they'd have to set the movie where Rick's sole focus isn't getting back to Michonne and Judith. Unless the movie is exactly that, Rick trying to get back to Alexandra? <shrug>
Or they could add a mid-day soap opera spin and make him have a concussion and forget about his family... :) Hell, after the years of dealing with kids in a zombie apocalypse, I'd want a break from being a family man. I mean, I do right now and it's only a monday.
Oh for God's sake... They're several years late if they want to do movies on this, unless it's just a made for tv movie. Do they really think people are going to line up for a movie based around Rick now?

The ratings for TWD are down quite a bit, but are still far higher than anything else the network airs. Even if they only get 25% of the show's viewers, that would still make it the network's 3rd highest show (behind TWD and FTWD)

For me, they won't be "must watch" but will be "likely watch." I'm sure I'll tune in the first one to see if they're worth my time.
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With everything going on with Rick, I forgot that was probably the last of Maggie too. And it sucks because it was about money.

I had no idea it was also her last episode. I knew she was leaving the show this season, but had assumed that her departure was later in the year & that they'd have some kind of closure/sendoff with her.

So did they do the time jump to install Judith as the new leader of the group?
I have a feeling she took off to live wherever that Georgie lady is. I'm sure we'll get an explanation/flashback on Sunday.

And if Judith is the leader, I'm out. I'm sure she's just a full of herself kid. And Michonne is in charge.
With everything going on with Rick, I forgot that was probably the last of Maggie too. And it sucks because it was about money.

Shame if it was about money, but girls gotta get hers. She also has a new show that she is going to lead, Whiskey Caviler, so perhaps its more about the next opportunity. <shrug> But I hope that episode wasn't her send off, that wouldn't be good enough for her character. She really became a kicka$$ lead character from that cute little farm girl making moon eyes at Glen over a RX counter.
I think it might be a little of both. Norman Reedus got a ginormous contract. Melissa McBride just signed back on too, but no where near the about as Norman. Working on Danai Gurira too, but she is in high demand.
I think it might be a little of both. Norman Reedus got a ginormous contract. Melissa McBride just signed back on too, but no where near the about as Norman. Working on Danai Gurira too, but she is in high demand.

Reedus is a good character that needs to tighten up, but I think he was overpaid. Melissa would be a great lead, she deserves top $. Same with Cohen. I don't buy the Michonne character as the lead for the show for some reason.

I hope Negan's hunger strike ends and they keep a Negan Zombie in the basement. The King never did it for me, esp once his best attribute died in the war. I may be in the minority, but I liked Simon. He made me laugh. But only when he said so.
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