Journal articles are coming on fast now, this one from The Journal of Insulin Resistance
The Journal of Metabolic Health is a peer-reviewed, clinically oriented open access journal covering advances in metabolic health and related disorders. The journal focuses on pathophysiology, prevention, management, and advancing therapy for different patient populations with metabolic health...
The Journal of Metabolic Health is a peer-reviewed, clinically oriented open access journal covering advances in metabolic health and related disorders. The journal focuses on pathophysiology, prevention, management, and advancing therapy for different patient populations with metabolic health...
Results: In the non-elderly population the “number needed to treat” to prevent a single death runs into the thousands. Re-analysis of randomised controlled trials using the messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) technology suggests a greater risk of serious adverse events from the vaccines than being hospitalised from COVID-19. Pharmacovigilance systems and real-world safety data, coupled with plausible mechanisms of harm, are deeply concerning, especially in relation to cardiovascular safety. Mirroring a potential signal from the Pfizer Phase 3 trial, a significant rise in cardiac arrest calls to ambulances in England was seen in 2021, with similar data emerging from Israel in the 16–39-year-old age group.
Conclusion: It cannot be said that the consent to receive these agents was fully informed, as is required ethically and legally. A pause and reappraisal of global vaccination policies for COVID-19 is long overdue."
"Volunteering in a vaccine centre, I was one of the first to receive two doses of Pfizer’s messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) vaccine, at the end of January 2021. Although I knew my individual risk was small from COVID-19 at age 43 with optimal metabolic health, the main reason I took the jab was to prevent transmission of the virus to my vulnerable patients. During early 2021, I was both surprised and concerned by a number of my vaccine-hesitant patients and people in my social network who were asking me to comment on what I regarded at the time as merely ‘anti-vax’ propaganda.
I was asked to appear on
Good Morning Britain after a previously vaccine-hesitant film director Gurinder Chadha, Order of the British Empire (OBE), who was also interviewed, explained that I convinced her to take the jab.
But a very unexpected and extremely harrowing personal tragedy was to happen a few months later that would be the start of my own journey into what would ultimately prove to be a revelatory and eye-opening experience so profound that after six months of critically appraising the data myself, speaking to eminent scientists involved in COVID-19 research, vaccine safety and development, and two investigative medical journalists, I have slowly and reluctantly concluded that contrary to my own initial dogmatic beliefs, Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine is far from being as safe and effective as we first thought. This critical appraisal is based upon the analytical framework for practicing and teaching evidence-based medicine, specifically utilising individual clinical expertise and/or experience with use of the best available evidence and taking into consideration patient preferences and values."
"Contrary to popular belief, what the trial did not show was any statistically significant reduction in serious illness or COVID-19 mortality from the vaccine over the 6-month period of the trial, but the actual numbers of deaths (attributed to COVID-19) are still important to note. There were only two deaths from COVID-19 in the placebo group and one death from COVID-19 in the vaccine group. Looking at all-cause mortality over a longer period, there were actually slightly more deaths
14 in the vaccine group (19 deaths) than in the placebo group (17 deaths). Also of note was the extremely low rate of COVID-19 illness classed as severe in the placebo group (nine severe cases out of 21 686 subjects, 0.04%), reflecting a very low risk of severe illness even in regions chosen for the trial because of perceived high prevalence of infection.
Finally, the trials in children did not even show a reduction in symptomatic infections but instead used the surrogate measure of antibody levels in the blood to define efficacy, even though the relationship between Wuhan-spike vaccine-induced antibody levels and protection from infection is tenuous, at best. The Food and Drug Administration’s (FDAs) own website states that:
"Such data have shown that one of the most common mRNA COVID-19 vaccine-induced harms is myocarditis. A study across several Nordic countries showed an increased risk from mRNA vaccination over background, especially in young males.
21 Authorities have repeatedly maintained that myocarditis is more common after COVID-19 infection than after vaccination.
22 However, trial data demonstrating that vaccination reduces the risk of myocarditis in subsequent infection is elusive, and in fact the risks may be additive. Incidence of myocarditis rocketed from spring 2021 when vaccines were rolled out to the younger cohorts having remained within normal levels for the full year prior, despite COVID-19,
23 with the most up-to-date evidence, a paper from Israel
24 found that the infection itself, prior to roll-out of the vaccine, conferred no increase in the risks of either myocarditis or pericarditis from COVID-19, strongly suggesting that the increases observed in earlier studies were because of the mRNA vaccines, with or without COVID-19 infections as an additional risk in the vaccinated.
"A number of reports have produced concerning rates of myocarditis, depending on age, ranging from 1 in 6000 in Israel
27 to 1 in 2700 in a Hong Kong study in male children and adolescents aged 12–17 years.
28 Most of the epidemiology studies that have been carried out have measured myocarditis cases that have been diagnosed in a hospital setting, and do not claim to be a comprehensive measure of more mild cases (from which long-term harm cannot be ruled out). In addition, under-reporting of adverse events is the scourge of pharmacovigilance data.
And finally this profound statement (Remember this is a peer reviewed journal article)
"There are four key drivers and seven sins that are at the root of the medical misinformation mess:
- Drivers:
- Much published medical research is not reliable or is of uncertain reliability, offers no benefit to patients or is not useful for decision makers;
- Most healthcare professionals are not aware of this problem;
- Even if they are aware of this problem, most healthcare professionals lack the skills necessary to evaluate the reliability and usefulness of medical evidence; and
- Patients and families frequently lack relevant, accurate medical evidence and skilled guidance at the time of medical decision making.1
- Sins:
- Biased funding of research (that’s research that’s funded because it’s likely to be profitable, not beneficial for patients)
- Biased reporting in medical journals
- Biased reporting in the media
- Biased patient pamphlets
- Commercial conflicts of interest
- Defensive medicine
- An inability of doctors to understand and communicate health statistics.6
Ioannidis and colleagues highlight that:
Compounded over several decades, these upstream and downstream risk factors for misinformation have had a devastating effect in the healthcare environment we find ourselves in today. Over-prescription of drugs is considered such a public health threat that two leading medical journals in the past 10 years (the
BMJ and
JAMA Internal Medicine) have launched campaigns to reduce the harms of too much medical intervention. According to the cofounder of the Cochrane Collaboration, Peter Gøtzsche, prescribed medications are the third most common cause of death globally after heart disease and cancer.
7 This is not surprising when one understands that most published research is misleading specifically where benefits from drug trials are exaggerated, and harms downplayed (
Box 18)."
This doctor is writing from the perspective of "Evidence Bases Medicine." For those that don't know, Evidence Based Medicine is a movement among physicians several decades old. "Evidence based medicine (EBM) is
the conscientious, explicit, judicious and reasonable use of modern, best evidence in making decisions about the care of individual patients. EBM integrates clinical experience and patient values with the best available research information."
Think about that for a moment, the physicians have an internal movement, with its own journal, to encourage the medical industry to use the best evidence available to care for patients. Why did the medical profession spawn this movement if there wasn't an issue?