Now Cat 4 Michael

I have a cousin in Lynn Haven. We have not been able to reach him as of yet, so I don't know how he fared. He works at one of the hospitals in PC, which suffered a lot of damage.

Both Bay and Emerald Coast suffered pretty major damage, but we were told by a nurse who also worked at Bay said they still had patients on the top floor when a tornado ripped off the roof and that she saw bodies on the street after the fact. That made me very glad we evacuated our patients and staff on Monday.
@DFSNOLE you know any Relief Supply Drop off Places for Marianna/Sneads Area close to I 10?...I feel like they are being neglected up there compared to PC and I want to load up the car on my next trip to FWB and drop off a bunch of stuff.I know they need it as I've made the drive twice post Michael and no words can describe the destruction even 50 miles north of Panama City
I don't but we have some people working over there. I'll ask them if they know of a place.
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There will be a LOT of debris that has to be put somewhere. We have a habit of digging holes, dumping and walking off (or shipping to some other state). Clearly that isn't sustainable.

Has anyone heard what they are doing with all the refuse that is being cleared? I would assume much cannot be recycled in its current form. I hope that they are just putting it into dumps and moving along but I suspect that may be the case. Both from the cities / structures that were leveled, but also the forest area that was hit. Leaving it will only present more of a fire hazard in the years to come.

Was looking at some other locations that are more "mature" with their garbage. Interesting solutions....
Tokyo's solution.
Sweden seems to have solved the dirty burn issue.

We have space, they do not; but we will run out of space but we do have the attitude that "not in my lifetime, so not my problem. "
we do have the attitude that "not in my lifetime, so not my problem. "
That's like our calling card man. Abandoning that is just downright unAmerican.
Do you also hate obesity, trillion dollar deficits, and decaying schools? Sheesh man.

Snark aside, I have nothing to add here. No idea what they're going to do w/ the rubbish but yes, hopefully they don't just hide it under a pile of leaves and wander off.
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That's like our calling card man. Abandoning that is just downright unAmerican.
Do you also hate obesity, trillion dollar deficits, and decaying schools? Sheesh man.

Snark aside, I have nothing to add here. No idea what they're going to do w/ the rubbish but yes, hopefully they don't just bury it 2 feet underground and wander off.

Hey, I laughed.

If you read the last article, apparently Sweden imports garbage to generate electricity. We pay to export across state lines. Hmm.
@DFSNOLE you know any Relief Supply Drop off Places for Marianna/Sneads Area close to I 10?...I feel like they are being neglected up there compared to PC and I want to load up the car on my next trip to FWB and drop off a bunch of stuff.I know they need it as I've made the drive twice post Michael and no words can describe the destruction even 50 miles north of Panama City
They are accepting donations at the

Chipola Family Ministries
3004 Highway 71
Mariana, FL
850.557.2922 ask for Bob
Hey, I laughed.

If you read the last article, apparently Sweden imports garbage to generate electricity. We pay to export across state lines. Hmm.
Bro again with this unAmerican crap?
We have coal. Are you trying to kill coal jobs? Clean coal. Sounds so clean I'd bathe in it.

To the point of the article, crazy that only 1% of waste in Sweden is landfilled. 50% is recycled and 49% is used for energy production. Sigh.... now I'll daydream for a while.
Anyone else hearing about looting going on? Some military buddies out there said it's happening. People even coming from out of state to loot and jails are getting full.
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Depending on the type of debris it is, it's brought to staging areas and measured. FEMA pays differently for different types of debris. The trees will be mulched and the mulch hauled off and sold. Construction debris is sorted and cleaned. It too is mulched but kept separate because of the pressure treated lumber. It can be used to make MDF.
Debris removal is a huge industry. Those guys have it down to a science.
Anyone else hearing about this? Some military buddies out there said it's happening. People even coming from out of state to loot and jails are getting full.

Yep. I have a friend in Academi/“Blackwater” and they were called in. They’re actually sleeping at my facility when not patrolling so I pity anybody who tries to steal from my facility. Those guys are shoot anything that moves and they have the big guns not little toy pistols.
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They are accepting donations at the

Chipola Family Ministries
3004 Highway 71
Mariana, FL
850.557.2922 ask for Bob
Perfect, I’ll pass this info along. Im meeting our PC guy half way tomorrow with a trailer full of supplies. It’s way more than what our guys and their families will need.
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I'm so disgusted with human beings now. One of my employees was basically living paycheck to paycheck with three kids and a wife. Apparently in the background he was estranged from his wife and he never let us know. After the hurricane we got texts from the only cell the employee has ever used saying their house had been destroyed and the husband/employee had left with their kids. She said needed to pick up everything he had earned in order to survive until FEMA came through and she was leaving in two hours to get out before the Marshall law kicked in for that day. So since we had no way to contact him, didn't know they were estranged and it was an emergency we issued a check in his name and gave it to her. She then went to Regions bank and convinced them to cash it all in her name (normally they wouldn't do that I'm sure but again it's an emergency). Two days later the employee surfaces by calling from a landline and says his wife left him and their kids and bolted leaving them dry with only $30 to their name.

So either this guy has the world's most conniving and evil wife OR the two are trying to scam me. Either way, there are some %*%*y people in the world.
Having just driven through it (technically I’m still kind of in it as I’m waiting on some road crews to clear 77 to get to Chipley), Panama City and Lynn Haven need the most help by far. PCB you can barely tell was hit by the hurricane other than some roof damage here and there. Marianna was hit hard but there’s practically no one who lives there so they don’t need a ton of help as there’s not a ton to fix. Mexico Beach is in essence gone, so there’s not a lot of help needed as there’s little left.

Panama City and Lynn Haven however have a ton of residents and I would say 99% of buildings (including mine) have roof damage in PC and 80% in Lynn Haven. And I’d say 25% of the buildings in Panama City have suffered some form of structural damage from walls blown in, portions of the top of the structure connected to the roof ripped off, to all the way completely destroyed. And I’d guess that’s also true of about 10% of the buildings in Lynn Haven.

I’m going to post a couple of videos of some of my travel on Facebook and might look to see if I can find a way to post them here. And I couldn’t go to the areas totally devastated, just the “safer” areas. They still have Marshall law declared.
Can you post here because I don't know you otherwise. Especially on The Facebook.
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I'm so disgusted with human beings now. One of my employees was basically living paycheck to paycheck with three kids and a wife. Apparently in the background he was estranged from his wife and he never let us know. After the hurricane we got texts from the only cell the employee has ever used saying their house had been destroyed and the husband/employee had left with their kids. She said needed to pick up everything he had earned in order to survive until FEMA came through and she was leaving in two hours to get out before the Marshall law kicked in for that day. So since we had no way to contact him, didn't know they were estranged and it was an emergency we issued a check in his name and gave it to her. She then went to Regions bank and convinced them to cash it all in her name (normally they wouldn't do that I'm sure but again it's an emergency). Two days later the employee surfaces by calling from a landline and says his wife left him and their kids and bolted leaving them dry with only $30 to their name.

So either this guy has the world's most conniving and evil wife OR the two are trying to scam me. Either way, there are some %*%*y people in the world.
Wow. That's horrific!
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I'm so disgusted with human beings now. One of my employees was basically living paycheck to paycheck with three kids and a wife. Apparently in the background he was estranged from his wife and he never let us know. After the hurricane we got texts from the only cell the employee has ever used saying their house had been destroyed and the husband/employee had left with their kids. She said needed to pick up everything he had earned in order to survive until FEMA came through and she was leaving in two hours to get out before the Marshall law kicked in for that day. So since we had no way to contact him, didn't know they were estranged and it was an emergency we issued a check in his name and gave it to her. She then went to Regions bank and convinced them to cash it all in her name (normally they wouldn't do that I'm sure but again it's an emergency). Two days later the employee surfaces by calling from a landline and says his wife left him and their kids and bolted leaving them dry with only $30 to their name.

So either this guy has the world's most conniving and evil wife OR the two are trying to scam me. Either way, there are some %*%*y people in the world.
What a dirt whore!
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Like ARs?

Probably far better weapons than that, those are basically the least they would carry with small weight ammunition. I don’t claim to be a gun aficionado myself so I can’t say exactly what they are carrying, but I’m sure looters won’t want to find out.
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Phased Plasma rifle in the 40-watt range...
Have you seen the videos of the "miracle house" in Mexico Beach that survived the storm when everything else around it was demolished? It's not any kind of miracle. It's nothing more than the ability and willingness to spend what it takes. I've always said that I can build you a home that would survive any storm if your pockets are deep enough. Like everything in life, it's a cost/benefit analysis.
If building codes are changed to mimic what this guy did (which I'm sure insurance companies will strongly support) beachfront property will become even more exclusive.
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Long time, no check in. My family fared well in the storm. We didn't even lose power. My sister in Jackson County is activated with the Florida National Guard, but did well on her house. I have no doubt she is tired.

I've been working at the SEOC since last Thursday. That place is hopping 24/7. I've worked hurricanes before, but this one is different as it destroyed a lot of my childhood. Today, I'll be in the field visiting our facilities in Jackson, Washington and Bay Counties. Tomorrow, I'll hit the rest of them. I'm not sure I'm completely prepared for what I will see. I do hope to make a side trip or two to say hi to some friends and just give them a hug. I have no doubt this has been the longest week of their lives.
Long time, no check in. My family fared well in the storm. We didn't even lose power. My sister in Jackson County is activated with the Florida National Guard, but did well on her house. I have no doubt she is tired.

I've been working at the SEOC since last Thursday. That place is hopping 24/7. I've worked hurricanes before, but this one is different as it destroyed a lot of my childhood. Today, I'll be in the field visiting our facilities in Jackson, Washington and Bay Counties. Tomorrow, I'll hit the rest of them. I'm not sure I'm completely prepared for what I will see. I do hope to make a side trip or two to say hi to some friends and just give them a hug. I have no doubt this has been the longest week of their lives.
Appreciate you.
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