You don't even realize how out of touch your statement is, do you?You should say any and every word you'd like. Just know that others should and will to react as they see fit to those words coming out of your mouth.
I can call a random dude's wife "sugart!ts" but I'd have to be prepared for his reaction when he realizes that I am neither him nor an 80 year old man in a movie from the 1970s. Doesn't mean I can't say it though.
So go ahead, if that's how you want to conduct yourself, then do it.
As for the Kendrick concert, wow Delaney should have known better (understatement) and she's unbelievably lucky Kendrick was so incredibly gracious. That she had no idea or self-awareness that she knowingly said that word, twice, into a hot mic, in front of like 10,000 strangers is alarming and makes me wonder what she talks like when she's in front of her crew. SMH x 1000.
Some man calls ME "sugart!ts" I'd set him straight. No man needed to protect little old me. They're not on HIS chest, are they?