proof of vaccination or COVID-19 test to attend game

More mealy mouth garbage. I will not wear one. Will they make me? It’s not hard to be clear. They certainly should not expect me to wear one so this needs to be clear.
They are straddling the line between the sus telling them they can’t mandate but trying to get as many people to put them on.

making you wear one would be a requirement or mandate, and it’s not a mandate. The sus says they cannot mandate.

it seems clear to me the fine line they are trying to take, but in the end it’s not a requirement or mandate. If it were they’d say that
Ok. I’m gonna be pissed if I come back to town and they try to push that. I won’t bring one.
By the way if they want to mandate it and people want that I don’t care. I can plan my stuff around what I like. I just don’t want to have some mixed message turn into a problem when I’m there. If they do like spring game I’m fine.
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Ok. I’m gonna be pissed if I come back to town and they try to push that. I won’t bring one.
By the way if they want to mandate it and people want that I don’t care. I can plan my stuff around what I like. I just don’t want to have some mixed message turn into a problem when I’m there. If they do like spring game I’m fine.
Wasn’t at the spring game so can’t speak to that, but I’m pretty confidant no one is going to “make” you wear one,

might there be signs encouraging it? Probably
Might someone offer you one if you don’t have one? Maybe
but I’m pretty confident it’s not required or mandated
That’s cool. They didn’t say a thing Spring game. Hope it’s the same.

Just don’t want to deal with what things were like in Vegas where anytime a mask began to droop someone was on your back.
If I'm not mistaken they can mandate, unless it's different because of Desantis orders but I haven't been keeping up with that. I read that one of the requirements during a mandate is that they have to let you know that you have alternative options, but as long as that is the case I can't think of a reason why they wouldn't be able to impose their own rules.
It’s not a mandate issue overall. It’s whether Desantis’ EO against mandates applies or prevents them from requiring masks or enforcing mandates. That said I don’t want to be there without a mask if I’m expected to wear one. I’m happy to stay home. Well at beach.
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It’s not a mandate issue overall. It’s whether Desantis’ EO against mandates applies or prevents them from requiring masks or enforcing mandates. That said I don’t want to be there without a mask if I’m expected to wear one. I’m happy to stay home. Well at beach.
2 different orders/regulatory issues

desantis EO has nothing to do with colleges or universities. It’s only about k-12

the state university system board of governors, which has regulatory authority over all state universities, has told them they can’t require mask or vaccines.

unlike desantis eo where county school boards are openly rebelling and requiring mask, the universities are taking the “mask are expected” approach as not to violate the sus directive
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2 different orders/regulatory issues

desantis EO has nothing to do with colleges or universities. It’s only about k-12

the state university system board of governors, which has regulatory authority over all state universities, has told them they can’t require mask or vaccines.

unlike desantis eo where county school boards are openly rebelling and requiring mask, the universities are taking the “mask are expected” approach as not to violate the sus directive
So, there’s no rule. That’s all I care about.
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I think its a City of New Orleans thing...not just a decision by the school
It is. It applies to Saints and LSU games as well. For the sake of our freedoms, I hope they get NO fans!!!
I went to game last year and they walked around asking people to put their masks on. Saw a grown man throw a 2 year old like tantrum about it but they weren't making anyone do anything.
That’s exactly what I want to know. I’m not going to a place where they will do that and then pitch a fit. I’d prefer to just not go. That’s my choice and I’m fine with it. I just wish it was clear. Crystal. If I go, I don’t expect anyone to push that on me.
That’s exactly what I want to know. I’m not going to a place where they will do that and then pitch a fit. I’d prefer to just not go. That’s my choice and I’m fine with it. I just wish it was clear. Crystal. If I go, I don’t expect anyone to push that on me.
You'll do the beach. 🌴🌴🌴
I'm not going to let something so trivial as a mask affect my fanhood and support for FSU athletics. I will go to the game, act like an adult and cheer my team on.
I love FSU. Nothing will change on that front. I have no problem with masks in certain environments. I personally dont want to sit in the oppressive Florida heat with my nose and mouth covered while sweating for 3 hours. It’s just really uncomfortable in that setting. Come the 2 games in November I don’t think the elements will be as harsh.
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I'm not going to let something so trivial as a mask affect my fanhood and support for FSU athletics. I will go to the game, act like an adult and cheer my team on.
Mask wearing isn’t trivial to many. I am physically unable to wear a mask. Any store that demanded a mask I simply didn’t shop there. I absolutely hate curbside pickup for groceries because they don’t select produce that I would pick.

I tried to wear a mask when my husband was hospitalized. In the five minutes it took for me to get to his room i was gasping for air and my lips and nail beds were blue. I went to the dr for a routine checkup last week. They checked O2 saturation before the dr came in. Once the nurse left the room I took off my mask. When the dr came in I started to put it back on and was told not to, that she could see I was not breathing well with it. I’m sure it was the O2 readings. They were below 90.
Mask wearing isn’t trivial to many. I am physically unable to wear a mask. Any store that demanded a mask I simply didn’t shop there. I absolutely hate curbside pickup for groceries because they don’t select produce that I would pick.

I tried to wear a mask when my husband was hospitalized. In the five minutes it took for me to get to his room i was gasping for air and my lips and nail beds were blue. I went to the dr for a routine checkup last week. They checked O2 saturation before the dr came in. Once the nurse left the room I took off my mask. When the dr came in I started to put it back on and was told not to, that she could see I was not breathing well with it. I’m sure it was the O2 readings. They were below 90.
Sounds like a reaction your body is having to the mask or covering. That sucks. Most masks do not restrict airflow.
I’m sure it was the O2 readings. They were below 90.
that's not a good thing. people would only generally expect to see that if they were at many thousands of feet of elevation. like 10,000 feet.
that's not a good thing. people would only generally expect to see that if they were at many thousands of feet of elevation. like 10,000 feet.
I could see it being one of two things. People and companies started producing masks to make a buck off the pandemic. Doesn't mean they were any good. I bought a novelty mask one time and had trouble talking/breathing because it was too tight. Stick to medical grade masks and this isn't an issue.

Otherwise it could be something similar to claustrophobia which causes the body to react negatively.
Your ignorance is stifling! Just had a dear friend to die from covid because she had your sorry ass attitude toward covid; so I'm not in the mood pal.
I have to go to her funeral at the end of the week. Stop whining like a two year old you are and grow up. Wear a mask to the game to protect someone else since you don't have the sense to get out of the rain. Or don't go. Do us all a favor and don't go. Please stop and don't embarrass yourself any more than you already have. You are completely clueless!
And incredibly rude. Disagreeing is one thing. Laughing at someone because they do things differently than you might show what kind of character they possess. Sad times.
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I'm not going to let something so trivial as a mask affect my fanhood and support for FSU athletics. I will go to the game, act like an adult and cheer my team on.
Given the nightmare that has been 2020 and 2021, I just feel like there are a lot of women out there who need and want to see my chiseled-face. :D So my aversion to masks also serves an important community purpose.

Sorry, won't wear one outdoors for 4 hours in Labor Day heat. If that means I stay home, that's fine too. No problem for Survivor, and no hard feelings for those with actual or perceived medical sensitivities.
Get your head out! LOL................ You define IGNORANCE! LOL.......
Quit talking out your ... LOL...... And shut your hole. LOL.....
You can't even spell character without looking it up. LOL... Much less you have NO IDEA what that means either. LOL..... Clueless! LOL.... Completely Clueless! LOL................................................. SAD TIMES, INDEED! LOL......

Forrest Gump said it best; “stupid is, as stupid does” ……
Your ignorance is stifling! Just had a dear friend to die from covid because she had your sorry ass attitude toward covid; so I'm not in the mood pal.
I have to go to her funeral at the end of the week. Stop whining like a two year old you are and grow up. Wear a mask to the game to protect someone else since you don't have the sense to get out of the rain. Or don't go. Do us all a favor and don't go. Please stop and don't embarrass yourself any more than you already have. You are completely clueless!
Im not your pal, guy. Sorry you had to come on here to politicize your friend's death. Im at less than a 1% chance of dieing from covid with or without a mask, with or without a vaccine. People aren't comfortable with that? They can avoid me, wear a mask, and get a vaxx. Or dont those work? And I will go wherever I please wearing (or not) whatever I please. Most people like you have forgot, but this is still the USA, not the USCNN.
It's concerning when people think what happens to them is the only thing that matters. They try to pass it off as patriotism, but that isn't patriotic. I feel for all the people who have died, and I wish everyone else did too. No American should have to die due to health complications, and that is regardless of anyone's political "opinion" on any matter.
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It's concerning when people think what happens to them is the only thing that matters. I feel for all the people who have died. I wish others did too.
Apparently thinks he had the whole thing figured out and laughs at people without knowing their circumstances, age, health etc. This is obviously just about politics to him. Sad.
Apparently thinks he had the whole thing figured out and laughs at people without knowing their circumstances, age, health etc. This is obviously just about politics to him. Sad.
You do you. I'll do the same....Seem fair, logical, and democratic to me. Freedoms dont go out the window for a .5% killer.(or any)
You do you. I'll do the same....Seem fair, logical, and democratic to me. Freedoms dont go out the window for a .5% killer.(or any)
Remember your mantra the next time you decide to mock someone like you did @MagNoleA. “You do you” and let him take care of himself.
And show some respect. It’s obvious his recent loss has hurt him.
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Remember your mantra the next time you decide to mock someone like you did @MagNoleA. “You do you” and let him take care of himself.
And show some respect. It’s obvious his recent loss has hurt him.
Thank you for extending some compassion and empathy. This really hurts. I'm helping with the funeral and don't know where to start. I'm literally at a loss for words and that clown shows up. Thank you again for your kindness.
Thank you for extending some compassion and empathy. This really hurts. I'm helping with the funeral and don't know where to start. I'm literally at a loss for words and that clown shows up. Thank you again for your kindness.
You are not alone. Unfortunately went through a horrible situation with my 40 year old sister in law passing from this awful thing back in the spring. Just remember there are people who care and are praying for you. Keep the faith and you will get through this. 🙏❤️
Lack of common decency is an irresponsible, reprehensible and disgusting abuse of liberty.
Having a vaccine doesn't make you saint. It makes you a test subject.... Try not to pass out from the thin air in the ivory tower
Public service announcement: fast forward to the end of the lengthy article — next-to-last paragraph — that begins “In sum”.

This article jives with my common sensical impression that most “amateur masks” are likely doing little or nothing. If people like to wear them for personal peace of mind, theater, abundance of caution or whatever, be my guest. It doesn’t hurt me.
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