As a veteran it kind of looks like it maybe stolen valor.
Like when he's riding in his truck and purposefully leaves a green beret on his dash and talking about "we've got bigger toys here than an AR-15" and posting videos of shooting a 203 and all that. I know a few green berets and generally they are not braggadocios like that. Also that picture of a 110 and Barrett were lifted off the internet.
Also his video of a night range where the machine guns are "talking" isn't really something that would be very cool for a green beret to post, especially when they do cool stuff like the MOUT site on Ft. Benning, also, posting deployment video's is probably an OPSEC thing, but he knows what a Carl Gustav is,
Or it could be he is in the army but is a cook or HR or something on bragg, or he's making it up looks like he's wearing E7 rank which would be appropriate for an sf guy.
From what I can infer he's claiming to be an enlisted green beret with the last name of campbell who's jump qualified.
Also, his social media comments there are no posts from his battle buddies... which is pretty odd because I'd be tagging my squad mates, like my friends do to me on facebook,
His only comments are all from nole fans.
So I don't know, hes in some kind of SF gym. I don't know but it looks a little suspicious that none of his friends are military.
Could be wrong, just my two cents.