So is anything happening on the news today?

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It is pretty interesting to see how that's going and how quickly things are escalating from Catalonia declaring independence and the Italian government immediately dissolving Catalonia's government.

At this point I think it's more likely that California would secede than Texas.
I wonder what Spain thinks about Italy getting involved with this? ;)
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I haven't seen anything about the kid's circumstances, but I agree. At 12yo, how can things have gotten so bad that you feel that this is the best way to take care of things? Or, alternatively, at 12yo how can you have learned that this is the way to deal with (perceived?) problems?

It's a problem here in this area. There are enough kids that kill themselves that we've had to discuss this with the kid multiple times. I've told her that it may seem like we're too interested in her life, or too nosy, or that we ask the same questions over and over, but we want to make it abundantly clear to her that we're interested in what goes on in her life, we want to know how things are going, and we want to know if she starts getting to the point where she feels overwhelmed, or unable to deal with things that are going on in her life. We've explained that there's nothing that can happen that is permanent, or that can't be fixed, no matter how bad it seems.

In the end, it sucks that kids can't just be kids any more. I'm guessing that even at 12yo, the kid probably got a bad grade or assessment and felt that he had already screwed up his shot at the "right" college and let his parents down: there's that kind of pressure on success in this area. (And yes, I'm just guessing, but it's kind of an educated guess for this area).

I was bullied incessently as a kid, it's only because my parents continued to be such a strong motivating factor to live that I didn't try something stupid like that. There was another I knew who did. I don't know this kids story, but I know mine almost destroyed me.
There's 300,000 up here in NH without power.

Vermont is always talking about seceding.

If Catalonia gains independence, Barcelona will be dismissed from La Liga.
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That's a good point. CA agriculture industry would have a big problem if they lost access to


I assume you were going to say the Colorado river. You just going to turn it off out of spite? Fine, no more porn. You hear that Kentucky? You have to imagine banging your step mom from now on!
I assume you were going to say the Colorado river. You just going to turn it off out of spite?
I was, then I looked up how much water CA gets from within the state, so I abandoned the post. But it was still added into the test box, so it added it to my respond to Sean about mixing up Italy and Spain.
I assume you were going to say the Colorado river. You just going to turn it off out of spite? Fine, no more porn. You hear that Kentucky? You have to imagine banging your step mom from now on!
For the record, I have never entered the word "Ebony" into a Google search.
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I was, then I looked up how much water CA gets from within the state, so I abandoned the post. But it was still added into the test box, so it added it to my respond to Sean about mixing up Italy and Spain.
Yeah, common assumption. To be fair, the imperial valley area does use a lot of colorado river water, but that's not the main source of ag water in the state.
We actually export water in that we grow hay and ship it overseas to asia in "empty" shipping containers on their way back to China.
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In an ACTUAL news article, I did see there is going to be escalated drama in Spain with the Catalonian Independence. Thats pretty interesting IMO. Imagine if Texas actually decided to withdraw from the US.

We celebrate this notion every year:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.“
We celebrate this notion every year:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.“

That hilariously brings up when NPR tweeted the DOI and a bunch of idiots declared it to be liberal propaganda.
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That hilariously brings up when NPR tweeted the DOI and a bunch of idiots declared it to be liberal propaganda

I’m just glad the notion (secession) can be broached now without being immediately draped in racism, etc.
Previously it was impossible to discuss without being seen through a single lense (the US civil war).
I would welcome Calexit, Florexit, Texit, and a host of others...
I’m just glad the notion (secession) can be broached now without being immediately draped in racism, etc.
Previously it was impossible to discuss without being seen through a single lense (the US civil war).
I would welcome Calexit, Florexit, Texit, and a host of others...

I wouldn’t. China and Russia are busy trying (and succeeding) to absorb new territories. Simultaneously they are hard at work trying to get members of the US and EU (as well as NATO and MNNAs like the Phillipines and Turkey) to drop off to weaken their major opposition.

I’m as big of an non-Weird Austinites anti-Texan you’ll find and I would never want to see Texas leave the US. We’re going to eventually need those fake cosplaying cowboys to defend against Russia and China, giant smoker trucks with python boots, oversized belt buckles, and pretend cowboy hat and all.
I would welcome Calexit, Florexit, Texit, and a host of others...

Thats the subject of a killer thread that should be started. LIst the top 5 states you think should be voted off the island. And why.

I'd vote for
Missisippi - no one else wants it, why should we?
Alabama - because, its Alabama.
Nebraska - Ever been there? Isn't that enough reason?
Vermont - hate thier coat factory, and leaves change in other states.
New Jersey - Jersey Shore, what else is there to say? + Bon Jovi, no thanks.
I wouldn’t. China and Russia are busy trying (and succeeding) to absorb new territories. Simultaneously they are hard at work trying to get members of the US and EU (as well as NATO and MNNAs like the Phillipines and Turkey) to drop off to weaken their major opposition.

Russia is simply trying to hang onto things it had back before we stole California fair and square.
Its going to take a lot more propaganda to convince me to be concerned with their Italian sized economy becoming a global threat.

I’m as big of an non-Weird Austinites anti-Texan you’ll find and I would never want to see Texas leave the US.

I’m sure you could still go visit, I’m just hoping to see this empire disassembled before it wreaks anymore havoc. I’m will to bet the governor of Texas won’t be overthrowing regimes in Africa that lead to destablizing North Africa and safe havens for really bad guys and ultimately more dead Americans...

Let’s try it.

We’re going to eventually need those fake cosplaying cowboys to defend against Russia and China, giant smoker trucks with python boots, oversized belt buckles, and pretend cowboy hat and all.

What do you want to fight them for?
“(Express) – FINLAND could be the first country to officially recognise Catalonia as a republic state, in a move that would put the Scandinavian country in direct opposition

The country’s MP for Lapland Mikko Karna has said that he intends to submit a motion to the Finnish parliament recognising the new fledgling country.

Mr Karna, who is part of the ruling Centre Party, led by Prime Minister Juha Sipila, also sent his congratulations to Catalonia after the regional parliament voted earlier today on breaking away from the rest of Spain.

Should Finland officially recognise the new state of Catalonia this will be yet another body blow to the the EU which has firmly backed the continuation of a unified Spain under the control of Madrid.

European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker warned today that “cracks” were appearing in the bloc due to the seismic events in Catalonia that were causing ruptures through the bloc.

Mr Juncker spoke in favour of unity. He said: “I do not want a situation where, tomorrow, the European Union is made up of 95 different states. We need to avoid splits, because we already have enough splits and fractures and we do not need any more.”

The Scottish Government has also sent a message of support, saying that Catalonia “must have” the ability to determine their own future.“
Should Finland officially recognise the new state of Catalonia this will be yet another body blow to the the EU which has firmly backed the continuation of a unified Spain under the control of Madrid.

European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker warned today that “cracks” were appearing in the bloc due to the seismic events in Catalonia that were causing ruptures through the bloc.

Mr Juncker spoke in favour of unity. He said: “I do not want a situation where, tomorrow, the European Union is made up of 95 different states. We need to avoid splits, because we already have enough splits and fractures and we do not need any more.”

"We don't want Spain's citizens to do what is right for them, because it makes our EU jobs more difficult". Interesting they have jumped from 28 countries to his mythical 95. Its interesting they nominate the rep for each country who then nominates the EU Pres etc. Each country better really like their individual representative and agree with them.
Would be super disruptive if a completely landlocked state - like Kansas - seceded.
They must lead the nation in something. Maybe prairie dog turds. Nebraska or somebody's gonna have to step it up a notch so there's no dropoff.
I assume you were going to say the Colorado river. You just going to turn it off out of spite? Fine, no more porn. You hear that Kentucky? You have to imagine banging your step mom from now on!

That product would be quickly replaced by Florida, Miami (Venezuela, Brazil and Cuba) and Tampa would explode. Though many of the Mee-amians come through Mexico/California which could result in a similar blockade.
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That product would be quickly replaced by Florida, Miami (Venezuela, Brazil and Cuba) and Tampa would explode. Though many of the Mee-amians come through Mexico/California which could result in a similar blockade.
Not FL - too conservative. You need a liberal state to allow consenting adults to bang on camera for cash. Or in a bus..
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