I don't know if your being naïve on purpose or have no understanding of how these things work. Assets can't be moved? Really if the Feds paid for it plain and simple Cali needs to lease it to use or buy it; it is federally owned property. That includes buildings, material goods, land etc. All the federally protected and owned land now belongs to another country and if you want to keep it or use it you must lease or buy it. All military assets, bases, weapons, production sites, research sites, units, tanks, you name it is owned by the feds. I have no idea why you think the feds would just continue to protect Cali for no charges; never gonna happen and honestly Cali is really just a nice stand off state strategically and if someone wanted to invade the US doing a beach assault would be a very difficult task to accomplish. You seem to have this view (like many people) that there are no 2nd, 3rd, 4th etc order effects with a move like this. Maybe you think that the house and senate would support Cali and keep things they way they are; Nope Cali leaves and now the senate and house will be republican for as long as they want it to be and trust me they will do very little to help a state that hasn't had a view that they agreed with in a long time. I could go on and on; but my guess is you will disagree and not see anything I am saying. This whole secession thing is likely a money or attention grabber anyways; but man I would love to see Cali leave. It would be the best reality show of all time