Thing is, if they mandated standing for the anthem, they'd see a backlash from players as well as a boycott from a lot of fans who support protesting police brutality and racial inequality during the anthem.
In fact, many of my friends who support Kap are boycotting the league just like the folks who don't support Kap. Leaving the NFL the loser either way. Lulz @ Goodell on that one I guess.
Curious about this also, would love if Warchant would do a story on this (though I know they should not because they'll lose a handful of subscribers if it's revealed that FSU also engages in "for-pay patriotism".
IMO the NFL's path to a win-win, that both furthers America's promise equality for all and the NFL's goal of making all the money, is as follows...
- Sit down with the players/NFLPA and say "we're going to do November (or Sept, or Dec) as 'Equality Month'", just like October is Breast Cancer Awareness month.
- As part of this, players will be able to present their messages in a variety of formats, from in stadium videos to digital content, and use it to fundraise for a few approved causes.
- The NFL will also start a year-round initiative similar to its Play60 effort, which will work year round to raise awareness and assist players in channeling their money and energy most productively in our common goal of equality, including using the influence and connections of all 32 of the NFL's owners.
- In return, there will be no more kneeling during the anthem, which seem to make some people very upset.
Everyone saves face, those who are upset about players kneeling during the anthem are appeased, players are made more effective in achieving equality for minorities, and the NFL looks like it cares (it doesn't but it just needs to save face).
Some folks who have no desire to actually see equality will continue to be upset, but honestly, society cannot be held back by the few lunatics who prefer 1920 to 2020. They'll also no longer be able to hide behind the anthem as the real source of their butthurt.
At the end of the day "equality" should not be a partisan or political issue, as Americans, we all ought to be pro-equality and to take the other side should be seen as un-American.