The Unvacionated

That's the million dollar question. Why politicize a global pandemic? Why would CNN want to call it a pandemic before the CDC or WHO? During Ebola which was much smaller there wasn't mixed messages, there wasn't mixed responses. Why this time? It would be easy to say it was all Trumps fault but I think the media was on line even before he was.
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That's the million dollar question. Why politicize a global pandemic? Why would CNN want to call it a pandemic before the CDC or WHO? During Ebola which was much smaller there wasn't mixed messages, there wasn't mixed responses. Why this time? It would be easy to say it was all Trumps fault but I think the media was on line even before he was.
I think a lot of things just lined up................we had an authoritarian as head of NIAID; we had politicians who had authoritarian characteristics on both sides of the aisle; we had media qued up for the next big thing; we had all sorts of folks revved up that thought they and only their tribe were right politically; and we had predictions and movies/TV shows that predicted/dramatized some big life changing danger would appear, for years leading up to this. So the authoritarian politicians and public health officials created the fear that the media pushed as hard as they could and science was beholden (captured) to big pharma so couldn't break out and tell the truth and/or recommend moderation as a mode of action. All this came to a head over just a few months in early 2020. And then the public lost their minds....................
You will need to figure out which community works best for you. You might enjoy the Philippines or Brazil.

I've been to Brazil. Moving there permanently?

No thanks. :)

I live near D.C. which is liberal overall. I'd probably stay put.

How would the states break apart when the coasts are the liberal states?

Would California and Maryland/Northeast states become one liberal country, for example?
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I do not see anything beginning to balance or moving toward reconciling the liberal and conservative communities. I see a lot evidence of increasing polarization, including the high likelihood that the next administration will be either Biden or Trump.
The problem is that most of what people read is based on the radical or far left and right or the extremes. I think most people in this country fit into the 68% or 1 deviation from center. There are things most can accept from both sides. I for instance am pro choice but also pro guns (with controls), I am pro capitolism, not religious and think people should work for welfare and social programs. The problem is the media delivers the very bad or the very good all the time nothing in the middle. This serves to divide and make people choose between one or the other, good guy vs bad guy.

Hopefully people can pull their heads out of their collectives asses and we can get a real president voted into office next time which doesn't include one of the last two. Both suck equally.
I don't think there should be billionaires and think America's wage gap is ridiculous.

I'm also against abortion and transgenderism, etc.

JMHO. :)
I agree on the wage gap but I also think you should work for what you get and reap the rewards. I think abortion is a choice but I do agree with you on the transgenderism thing.
I do not see anything beginning to balance or moving toward reconciling the liberal and conservative communities. I see a lot evidence of increasing polarization, including the high likelihood that the next administration will be either Biden or Trump.

Most Americans are more centrist than what we see on cable news and internet message boards.

The wing nuts are the loudest. :)

When Trump dies in a few years, hopefully, the GOP stops being a cult.
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I'd try to find a way to make employers give more to their employees.

For example, Jeff Bezos of Amazon is worth $132 billion. That's absurd.

His workers should get most of that, IMO.

I agree with some of this.. I also think that Bezos is the one who started the company, took the risks, and should reap the rewards..

But also agree that there should be some better financial compensation for employees when your company is worth X amount.
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We can and should.

Biden is the only person that's saving America from the Trump cult.
He's asleep at the wheel using Trump as an excuse. Trump doesn't need to be there either but Biden is driving this country into the ground. Between him and his mentally challenged VP I don't know whos worse.
Would you rather live in a Trump dictatorship if you had a bigger bank account?

Lol there is no dictatorship. We need a mentally fit President..

And I’m not a trump guy. I think he’s an idiot. But he’s sure as hell a lot better option than the puppet we currently have in there.

Guy needs a damn cue card with pre written questions to get through a Q&A.
Lol there is no dictatorship. We need a mentally fit President..

And I’m not a trump guy. I think he’s an idiot. But he’s sure as hell a lot better option than the puppet we currently have in there.

Guy needs a damn cue card with pre written questions to get through a Q&A.

"But he’s sure as hell a lot better option than the puppet we currently have in there."

Lol, no, he's not. Not even close. Trump tried to overthrow the government.

I think it may be better if America split. Americans live in different realities.

What do you think?
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Ukraine support, record low unemployment, a solid economy.

But, debating doesn't work. We're not going to convince each other.

Maybe America should split?


Oh my. We are far apart on our views of the current state of our country lol.

As far as splitting up, I haven’t thought about it and not sure how that would even happen or work
Ukraine support, record low unemployment, a solid economy.

But, debating doesn't work. We're not going to convince each other.

Maybe America should split?

The unemployment rate isn't at record lows and many doubt its as low as 3.4% due to the numbers of empty jobs. Inflation is high and were teetering on a default and recession. Explain how those are indicators of a good economy. And we wouldn't have to support Ukraine if Russia didn't invade. We had a hand in that.
What do you think of America splitting up?
Not going to happen. Too many people are in the center. The extremists will die down but things always move to the left its the natural order. I think we are a little too far right but we don't need to go full progressive. Like you said the loudest voices have the most extreme positions and that's all we hear right now. That pays the bills.
Oh my. We are far apart on our views of the current state of our country lol.

As far as splitting up, I haven’t thought about it and not sure how that would even happen or work
Ignore him. He's trying to stir people up.
No nation in the history of the world has lasted forever. Most are fortunate to make it a few centuries. It's not crazy to acknowledge that the U.S. will eventually split up; all nations do.

I don’t really understand the resistance to separating. It's not like conservatives value and feel a sense of camaraderie with liberals or vice versa. We have very little in common; we do not have a shared reality or perspective with regard to essentially anything. We have irreconcilable differences.

How would it work on a practical level, though?

The blue states are on the coasts. What about trade?
You think that your perspectives and opinions represent the middle 2/3rds of the U.S. populace? Really?

I'm not sure.

I'd much prefer to live I'm a blue state as long as there's freedom of religion and churches aren't forced to perform gay marriage or support abortion

Blue states are much better managed overall. And safer.
Ukraine support, record low unemployment, a solid economy.

But, debating doesn't work. We're not going to convince each other.

Maybe America should split?


Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries in the world (Biden family is well aware of this). This constant funneling of money to them is astounding. The correct approach would be to foster a peaceful end to the war, not keep money flowing to allow it to continue without end.

A solid economy is laughable. As is low employment. It looks like the ONLY thing we have in common is the fact we like the FSU Seminoles.

Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries in the world (Biden family is well aware of this). This constant funneling of money to them is astounding. The correct approach would be to foster a peaceful end to the war, not keep money flowing to allow it to continue without end.

A solid economy is laughable. As is low employment. It looks like the ONLY thing we have in common is the fact we like the FSU Seminoles.


That’s my thoughts as well.. the only the Brian and I have in common is that we both (assuming Brian is) are Nole fans