The Unvacionated

If Trump wins, it won't be center.
If Biden, Harris,newsome or any liberal wins it won’t be center either!

What brainvision stated, I believe is that there will be no more center( I could be wrong)

Sadly those days are gone

The last was Clinton with a repub congress
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No nation in the history of the world has lasted forever. Most are fortunate to make it a few centuries. It's not crazy to acknowledge that the U.S. will eventually split up; all nations do.

I don’t really understand the resistance to separating. It's not like conservatives value and feel a sense of camaraderie with liberals or vice versa. We have very little in common; we do not have a shared reality or perspective with regard to essentially anything. We have irreconcilable differences.
I agree !

I do think in times of the US being attacked all Americans come together

It’s a shame it has gotten to this point for sure, as the US can still do Great things

Divided States of America?

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We couldn’t come together when facing a global pandemic. We couldn’t come together when our elections were attacked by either foreign or domestic enemies. We couldn’t come together when Russia invaded a European nation and threatened NATO. I do not believe that “coming together” is possible at this point in history. I have no faith that the red states would even support protecting and rebuilding Los Angeles or San Francisco if we were attacked by a rogue state or terrorist organization.

If America split, what would happen to Medicare and Social Security in the Trump country? Many companies have business in both sections.

There are hundreds of thousands of non Trump people in the south and an equal number of pro Trump people in the north and west.

Who would get the nuclear weapons?
We couldn’t come together when facing a global pandemic. We couldn’t come together when our elections were attacked by either foreign or domestic enemies. We couldn’t come together when Russia invaded a European nation and threatened NATO. I do not believe that “coming together” is possible at this point in history. I have no faith that the red states would even support protecting and rebuilding Los Angeles or San Francisco if we were attacked by a rogue state or terrorist organization.

A terrorist attack would unite the country for 6 months max.
I'm a centrist, I think.
You are more center than some lefties. Given your thoughts on trans stuff, abortion and religion. The problem is it the right and left wing nut bags get their way you'll have to choose one extreme or the other. That's why it wont happen. In a hostile separation the passive left would all get killed by the gun toting right. The left would have no cops or military to protect them and what doesn't get killed from the right would get murdered by their own. I guess Brian is right, it would be messy.
You are more center than some lefties. Given your thoughts on trans stuff, abortion and religion. The problem is it the right and left wing nut bags get their way you'll have to choose one extreme or the other. That's why it wont happen. In a hostile separation the passive left would all get killed by the gun toting right. The left would have no cops or military to protect them and what doesn't get killed from the right would get murdered by their own. I guess Brian is right, it would be messy.


It's a mess.
You are more center than some lefties. Given your thoughts on trans stuff, abortion and religion. The problem is it the right and left wing nut bags get their way you'll have to choose one extreme or the other. That's why it wont happen. In a hostile separation the passive left would all get killed by the gun toting right. The left would have no cops or military to protect them and what doesn't get killed from the right would get murdered by their own. I guess Brian is right, it would be messy.
Where do you consider yourself on the spectrum?
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A terrorist attack would unite the country for 6 months max.
Depends on where the attack is. If its LA or SF the right will laugh. If its Texas or Florida the left will laugh. New York could get some support but who knows anymore. Both sides hold alot of blame here but like I said most of this is media driven hysteria. The news is only feeding you the extremist views.
Where do you consider yourself on the spectrum?
Like I said earlier I'm in the center maybe slightly right but that's today (it changes). Non religious, pro guns but pro gun control, pro choice but I don't agree with abortion due to the lack of planning. I'm for the capitalist model but I also think there should be a safety net that you should work for if you can not if you want. I see things on both sides of the fence but not many extremes.
We couldn’t come together when facing a global pandemic. We couldn’t come together when our elections were attacked by either foreign or domestic enemies. We couldn’t come together when Russia invaded a European nation and threatened NATO. I do not believe that “coming together” is possible at this point in history. I have no faith that the red states would even support protecting and rebuilding Los Angeles or San Francisco if we were attacked by a rogue state or terrorist organization.
So your saying there was election interference? What hand did the US have in the invasion of Ukraine? Why when Russia threatens action did we continue to have troops in Ukraine? Why poke the bear if your not willing to fight him?
Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries in the world (Biden family is well aware of this). This constant funneling of money to them is astounding. The correct approach would be to foster a peaceful end to the war, not keep money flowing to allow it to continue without end.
^^^Exactly right. The war ain't gonna end, its too profitable. Arms industries in numerous nations always make their profits.
We couldn’t come together when Russia invaded a European nation and threatened NATO.
LMFAO. Please.... our involvement in Ukrainian politics is unwarranted, and NATO has become a strong arm enforcer... NATO consists of most of Europe, and controls all of eastern Europe with the exception of Belarus and Ukraine. NATO is arguably a legitimate threat to Russia.
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I have the opposite view.

We should support Ukraine forever.

I think our disagreement is another reason succession is worthy of discussion.
If we were willing to provide one of the reasons for Russian aggression we should support them by expelling Russia like we did Iraq. We know that's not going to happen so why are we there? There is a component to this you are missing.
I have the opposite view.

We should support Ukraine forever.

I think our disagreement is another reason succession is worthy of discussion.
Interesting that as a Catholic you would support war as a solution instead of a negotiated peace. As for secession, I'm all for it. Should've been followed in 1814, 1832, and 1860.
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Interesting that as a Catholic you would support war as a solution instead of a negotiated peace. As for secession, I'm all for it. Should've been followed in 1814, 1832, and 1860.

The Catholic Church supports wars of self defense and to protect innocent people.

It's just war theory.

Ukraine qualifies 100%.

Pope Francis just met with Zelensky this week.
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The Catholic Church supports wars of self defense and to protect innocent people.
Cool the pope gets to determine if a war is "just or unjust"...
This is not a knock on faithful, sincere Catholics and the religion itself, but the Catholic Church is one of most corrupt institutions in history, their track record determining what is just or not just is not much different than your typical government of any number of nations.

Again not a knock on Catholicism as a religion, but the leadership and how the church is operated is in no position to be an authority on international affairs.. No offense meant here. Respectfully, Noletaire
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Cool the pope gets to determine if a war is "just or unjust"...
This is not a knock on faithful, sincere Catholics and the religion itself, but the Catholic Church is one of most corrupt institutions in history, their track record determining what is just or not just is not much different than your typical government of any number of nations.

Again not a knock on Catholicism as a religion, but the leadership and how the church is operated is in no position to be an authority on international affairs.. No offense meant here. Respectfully, Noletaire

If you say so.

It's a theological position developed by geniuses like Augustine and Aquinas.
If you say so.

It's a theological position developed by geniuses like Augustine and Aquinas.
Don't disagree with the brilliance and devout nature of men like Augustine and Aquinas, but they're long gone and the Borgias and men of their ilk run the show now.
The Catholic Church supports wars of self defense and to protect innocent people.

It's just war theory.

Ukraine qualifies 100%.

Pope Francis just met with Zelensky this week.
So how was it that the Vatican was helping Nazi's escape Europe after WW2? I wasn't there but Germany wasn't exactly defending themselves.
A debate, argument that will never end or be resolved. No winners or losers. Just another divisive issue to separate us. As if we needed more.

Excellent point.

I think I should withdraw from worldly politics and meditate on eternity instead. :)

Arguing/debating is pointless.

How bout this
Blue states( liberals) split off, vote to give up all their weapons

Then 6 months later the red states swoop in and take over since they will be heavily armed??

Just playing, don’t get your smurf drawers in a bunch!

Seriously, isn’t divide and conquer just what the communist want to do to the US?
Like I said earlier I'm in the center maybe slightly right but that's today (it changes). Non religious, pro guns but pro gun control, pro choice but I don't agree with abortion due to the lack of planning. I'm for the capitalist model but I also think there should be a safety net that you should work for if you can not if you want. I see things on both sides of the fence but not many extremes.
You are as far right as you believe Brian to be to the left.
The unemployment rate isn't at record lows and many doubt its as low as 3.4% due to the numbers of empty jobs. Inflation is high and were teetering on a default and recession. Explain how those are indicators of a good economy. And we wouldn't have to support Ukraine if Russia didn't invade. We had a hand in that.
Lowest since May of 1969. Arguing against a statistic that is used to track change for decades demonstrates a misunderstanding of why they track that metric. It is one indicator of the current state of the economy among several accepted metrics. The economy is largely out of the control of the political class and represents a constellation of forces that are not able to be controlled or predicted although many of tried.

I laugh every time I hear some person say they know how to improve our economy................they don't, no one can. We are all on this uncontrolled ride............
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No nation in the history of the world has lasted forever. Most are fortunate to make it a few centuries. It's not crazy to acknowledge that the U.S. will eventually split up; all nations do.

I don’t really understand the resistance to separating. It's not like conservatives value and feel a sense of camaraderie with liberals or vice versa. We have very little in common; we do not have a shared reality or perspective with regard to essentially anything. We have irreconcilable differences.
It's folly. Trying to avoid any conflicts of belief ultimately ends with a community of one. 40% of first marriages end up in divorce for this very same reason. And beliefs never stay static even for people who try not to change. Maybe you are young...........but anyone that has the same constellation of beliefs at 55 that they did at 18 has to have been living in a cave for that time. Technology keeps pushing us in areas that no one could predicted. Slavery was once practiced universally and now is universally banned. The bible talks about the beliefs of Jesus, yet is universally ignored in favor of capitalistic values.

Matthew 19:23-26 American Standard Version (ASV)
And Jesus said unto his disciples, Verily I say unto you, It is hard for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of heaven. And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through a needle's eye, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.

That same sentiment is in the bible several places as well as what one is to do with excess wealth beyond basic needs.

That, of course, is only one example, you can reach into any religious tradition and find many, many examples.

So how do you enforce a set of beliefs, protect them from changing?
It's just not conceivable to create a country based on beliefs.
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