Not sure how anyone could possibly miss any of this during the 2 years that Covid has been front and center, considering how widely the fear-mongering was, and in some cases still is believed and promoted (even by political leaders), but since I like to be helpful...
Microchips -
Magnetism -
Infertility -
And in reference to anyone not getting vaxxed because they doubt the benefits, I find that nearly as laughable as all the crap above.
Excluding the small % of citizens for whom vaccination is medically contraindicated by their physician,
how potentially beneficial to the individual AND to the community does vaccination need to be to outweigh the infinitesimal risks?
Do Covid vax skeptics/mockers demand the same guarantee of benefits with everything else they're willing to put in their bodies? (other vaccines, hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, other drugs, etc.)
At this point, debating whether the benefits of full Covid vaccination (and vaccination subsequent to infection) are sufficient to outweigh its costs and risks is tantamount to arguing whether 2 + 2 = 4. By benefits, I'm referring to the combination of infection protection
and reducing the probability of severe outcomes, even for strains where the magnitude of infection protection is in question.
I'm on the fence about religious exceptions, since that means of vax refusal is so widely and brazenly abused, and as a society, we don't allow religious exceptions to most other public health/public safety requirements. Most cops and judges will not let you off the hook for speeding because your religion condemns going slower. But as I've always said, I'm not a fan of public mandates. I'm a fan of fewer citizens opting out of vaccination for selfish and/or willfully underinformed and/or merely contrarian/authority-defying reasons, and/or encouraging and spreading that vax resistance to others.
Again, hopefully this all becomes a moot point (other than planning for the next pandemic) sooner rather than later. We all want to get back to normal, at the lowest cost to all.