Tiger said in his statement he had a bad reaction to medications. He also apologized to family, friends, and fans. He didn't apologize to the driving public, who he put at risk. Thankfully, there aren't that many people driving around at 3 AM.
Just the other day he released a statement saying he was pain free after his latest back surgery. I'm curious if the medication he had a bad reaction to was pain medication.
I like Tiger when he first came out, but stopped liking him because of his antics on the golf course.
This. Cussed like a sailor in front of kids and women on the course. Treated everyone like crap at tournaments. "Big golf" and the media never said a word -- and in fact affirmatively covered it up -- saying only that he was an "intense competitor." Yeah, right. They provided that excuse for another notable jackass: Joe Paterno. And we saw how that turned out. Sorry, "intense competitor" is a euphemism for "he's a jerk, but financial or political reasons prevent us from saying that."