Warning to people traveling to Tallahassee

that’s fine. Just be willing to shop only at Lowe’s and not Jim’s hardware.

eat at McDonald’s and not Jim’s diner.

shop at amazon only and not (insert store)

get groceries from Kroger and not Jim’s market..
Jim should up his game or starve like minimum wage workers. If he cannot compete with Amazon what does it matter? He has bootstraps with which to pull himself up right?
If your business’ survival depends on you paying people $9.00 an hour then maybe the owners should reconsider whether they should have a business.

My point is some employers want their cake and to eat it too. They want to pay minimum wage but then demand a steady stream of employees willing to work for that level of pay.
The employers you reference must be owners of some of the Tally restaurants you are frequenting.........
So this starts out talking about food service and ends up on economics and political discussion....raising minimum wage only helps inflation since the business owner is going to pass this down to his customers. The people getting the raise are going to have to pay more for their's and endless cycle. Nothing is free and unfortunately there are many among us who don't understand that fact.
This is true for the business as well. If the business does not want to pay for quality then if they have not enough staff then I have no empathy. Adjust or fail.
Jim should up his game or starve like minimum wage workers. If he cannot compete with Amazon what does it matter? He has bootstraps with which to pull himself up right?

sure. Jim can get in line for welfare and unemployment like everyone else and live a wonderful life.

problem solved
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sure. Jim can get in line for welfare and unemployment like everyone else and live a wonderful life.

problem solved
Sad that businesses don’t pull themselves up by their bootstraps like they ask their employees to do.
sure. Jim can get in line for welfare and unemployment like everyone else and live a wonderful life.

I never said wonderful, I said living wage.

I presume Jim would want a job that pays that pays a lliving wage for that Job. Minimum wage is not what Jim wants. His business failed because he could not keep up. His skills says he can do more than a door greeter.

So should he hold out for a job that will pay him his asking wage? Or should the company be stubborn and not hire anyone because we cannot dare lower corporate bonuses. I mean how will the CEO buy that extra yacht or go to space otherwise?
I never said wonderful, I said living wage.

I presume Jim would want a job that pays that pays a lliving wage for that Job. Minimum wage is not what Jim wants. His business failed because he could not keep up. His skills says he can do more than a door greeter.

So should he hold out for a job that will pay him his asking wage? Or should the company be stubborn and not hire anyone because we cannot dare lower corporate bonuses. I mean how will the CEO buy that extra yacht or go to space otherwise?

You think your small town mom and pop shops are buying yachts?
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Sad that businesses don’t pull themselves up by their bootstraps like they ask their employees to do.
One could make a really compelling argument that a person who had shown the initiative to open a business and run it has already, ya know, made effort in life. I’d rather give those people the benefit of the doubt than anyone who’s making minimum wage. It doesn’t take much education or accountability to have a job that makes $12+ an hour. This idea that there are all these hardworking Americans making minimum wage who just can’t move up is funny.
Sad that businesses don’t pull themselves up by their bootstraps like they ask their employees to do.

I don’t know what the right answer is..

im just saying, be prepared for a lot of small businesses to fail under this model.

it is what it is. Small businesses will fail.

and large businesses will go more electronic. Aka, at the grocery stores or fast food, where you bag and scan your own groceries. Or order your own food via a touch screen
I always hear that. However, when wages were raised in Europe the price increase was minimal per product.
the minimum wage for most significant countries in Europe is the equivalent of US$8.32 per hour or just over US$1,400 per month. In countries like Spain it is substantially less than that.
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the minimum wage for most significant countries in Europe is the equivalent of US$8.32 per hour or just over US$1,400 per month. In countries like Spain it is substantially less than that.
What are their health care and social programs like over there, say vs here
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You think your small town mom and pop shops are buying yachts?
Fair, but going out of business because they cannot keep up should be looked at the same way people look at minimum wage workers.

The argument being, do better or the system will scrub you out. People do not care about the small business owner like they do not care about minimum wage workers.

Now imagine if people actually cared.
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One could make a really compelling argument that a person who had shown the initiative to open a business and run it has already, ya know, made effort in life. I’d rather give those people the benefit of the doubt than anyone who’s making minimum wage. It doesn’t take much education or accountability to have a job that makes $12+ an hour. This idea that there are all these hardworking Americans making minimum wage who just can’t move up is funny.
The notion because you started a business you should be given the benefit of the doubt is equally funny to me.

I support plenty of local businesses but I also don’t think those businesses have a god given right to pay poverty wages bc they can’t figure out a way to increase their profits.

I think we should care about minimum wage workers the same amount we care about small businesses.
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Maybe my brain works in a strange way but I actually enjoy reading these discussions. I find myself thinking things like; "wow love all these smart critically thinking people FSU has produced" "so interesting to hear the opinions and ideas of my fellow NOLES"
Maybe my brain works in a strange way but I actually enjoy reading these discussions. I find myself thinking things like; "wow love all these smart critically thinking people FSU has produced" "so interesting to hear the opinions and ideas of my fellow NOLES"

I enjoy the back and forth.

that’s the great thing about America. We can agree to disagree and give our viewpoints on each side of the discussion
True. Part of the world we live in today.
agreed kind of normal but may be crazy this weekend .. last weekend I we went out and a third of the menu was missing

Probably 90% of the deserts not available
Maybe my brain works in a strange way but I actually enjoy reading these discussions. I find myself thinking things like; "wow love all these smart critically thinking people FSU has produced" "so interesting to hear the opinions and ideas of my fellow NOLES"
Opposing…or perhaps different points of view are always interesting….and I also believe we learn a lot by absorbing those alternate perspectives. The absolute kooks on the far ends of the spectrum…I could go without reading those, they don’t add value…at least to me.
What are their health care and social programs like over there, say vs here
i don't know how to ideally compare that really. i'm british and if you told me i had to choose between NHS care and the general US system i wouldn't hesitate to choose care in the US.

if on the other hand we were making comparison between the UK private health services and the US health system then i would probably choose the UK because you're generally competing against a smaller number of people for immediate service.
I always hear that. However, when wages were raised in Europe the price increase was minimal per product.
That narrative has obviously been manipulated. I'm not saying you did so Pops but glad you brought it to light. Take a product who's labor costs are derived from above minimal wage pool. The initial impact on that product with a minimum wage raise is close to zero. Now take a product that is picked, processed and brought to market from a minimal labor cost pool and the affect is substantial. Notice I said in the first example the "initial" impact. The subsiding impact once you raise the floor on the labor pool is other levels will eventually be raised too. If an employee is making 3.00 over minimum wage and minimum wage is increased he will understandably seek out more pay. Low level management and up the ladder will understandably follow suit and seek higher pay as well. I'm not saying seeking out more pay is evil. But to ignore the market principles or conjure false narratives doesn't help the discussion either.

I believe having a very large range of pay scales is the best scenario in the attempt to achieve full employment. I think we are at our best as a society when we are working. Allow a person's interest, efforts and abilities dictate how high they climb the ladder of success. And once they achieve their goals don't demean their efforts as luck or privilege. We need to view working as honorable again and those who participate deserve our admiration and respect. Some good people simply want to put in minimum effort, have limited amount of time or have a minimum skill set and we should not limit their chance to obtain some form of minimum gainful employment. Our attempts to shrink the pay scale range has not and will not end well for those we are attempting to help.
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If your business’ survival depends on you paying people $9.00 an hour then maybe the owners should reconsider whether they should have a business.

My point is some employers want their cake and to eat it too. They want to pay minimum wage but then demand a steady stream of employees willing to work for that level of pay.
And they will be there if the current BS subsidized world stops. Which it will soon.
What are their health care and social programs like over there, say vs here
Socialized/universal health care. We in the USA subsidize it because we have troops there providing their defense, thus freeing up that budgetary item in their country so they can provide it for their citizens.

If a small town Mom and Pop raise wages to big city levels, they have to raise the price of their goods to cover the wages. Since they don't have the purchasing power of the local Walmart to buy at bulk wholesale, their price has to be higher. The Mom and Pop employees are now making $9-10 an hour or maybe even $12. But the goods and services are more expensive. So they're not much better off. They haven't gained any extra purchasing power.

This is why education and skills acquisition are so important. You get your first job at minimum wage when you're still in school with no family and you move up once you've acquired that education, experience and skills.
Isn't this basic Economics and Business Management?
But so many will sit in class and never voice a thought or opinion that might be different than the Professor because they risk being down graded. They're conditioned to keep their mouths shut.
As in zip it!
Socialized/universal health care. We in the USA subsidize it because we have troops there providing their defense, thus freeing up that budgetary item in their country so they can provide it for their citizens.

If a small town Mom and Pop raise wages to big city levels, they have to raise the price of their goods to cover the wages. Since they don't have the purchasing power of the local Walmart to buy at bulk wholesale, their price has to be higher. The Mom and Pop employees are now making $9-10 an hour or maybe even $12. But the goods and services are more expensive. So they're not much better off. They haven't gained any extra purchasing power.

This is why education and skills acquisition are so important. You get your first job at minimum wage when you're still in school with no family and you move up once you've acquired that education, experience and skills.
Isn't this basic Economics and Business Management?
What a splendid and outstanding article! Had me reading on the edge of my no arm seat. The lessons I've learned reading this will carry me forward for the rest of my days. Ever thought of being a beat reporter? Not to be confused with beating a reporter. Asking for a friend. :)
Holy crap, that’s amazing! So single dad with 2 kids, I should be getting $37.32 an hour for being a cashier at McDonald’s. That’s almost $80,000 a year! That definitely sounds sustainable.
Please stop with this ignorance. If minimum wage had kept pace with the growth of this economy, i.e. federal minimum wage would be over $20/hr. That’s the living wage in this country.
Socialized/universal health care. We in the USA subsidize it because we have troops there providing their defense, thus freeing up that budgetary item in their country so they can provide it for their citizens.

If a small town Mom and Pop raise wages to big city levels, they have to raise the price of their goods to cover the wages. Since they don't have the purchasing power of the local Walmart to buy at bulk wholesale, their price has to be higher. The Mom and Pop employees are now making $9-10 an hour or maybe even $12. But the goods and services are more expensive. So they're not much better off. They haven't gained any extra purchasing power.

This is why education and skills acquisition are so important. You get your first job at minimum wage when you're still in school with no family and you move up once you've acquired that education, experience and skills.
Isn't this basic Economics and Business Management?
I have an MBA and got tears (of joy) in my eyes reading this. Very nicely worded. For this you get an "A". No homework this weekend for you!
Please stop with this ignorance. If minimum wage had kept pace with the growth of this economy, i.e. federal minimum wage would be over $20/hr. That’s the living wage in this country.
Or if it had kept pace with inflation it would be about $11.62 per hour. That just so happens to be right about what the average fast food employee is paid hourly.

here’s the beautiful thing about america though, if you don’t like the situation you are in then do something about it. It is substantially easier to get ahead here than most other places. Wages are higher and the cost of living is lower.
Please stop with this ignorance. If minimum wage had kept pace with the growth of this economy, i.e. federal minimum wage would be over $20/hr. That’s the living wage in this country.
Stop with the ignorance of using the “Official Living Wage Calculator” that was posted as the answer to my question on “What is the Living Wage supposed to be”? You realize I didn’t design that calculator?
I don’t know what the right answer is..

im just saying, be prepared for a lot of small businesses to fail under this model.

it is what it is. Small businesses will fail.

and large businesses will go more electronic. Aka, at the grocery stores or fast food, where you bag and scan your own groceries. Or order your own food via a touch screen
I agree with both sides of the argument. We have some large systemic issues that need addressing in this country AND this country is still beautiful and amazing and I would rather be here. Most people feel this way, hence these "arguments."

As a side note. Those things you listed as hypothetical are already happening today under the current system so what is there to be prepared for?