Socialized/universal health care. We in the USA subsidize it because we have troops there providing their defense, thus freeing up that budgetary item in their country so they can provide it for their citizens.
If a small town Mom and Pop raise wages to big city levels, they have to raise the price of their goods to cover the wages. Since they don't have the purchasing power of the local Walmart to buy at bulk wholesale, their price has to be higher. The Mom and Pop employees are now making $9-10 an hour or maybe even $12. But the goods and services are more expensive. So they're not much better off. They haven't gained any extra purchasing power.
This is why education and skills acquisition are so important. You get your first job at minimum wage when you're still in school with no family and you move up once you've acquired that education, experience and skills.
Isn't this basic Economics and Business Management?