I’d hope you know but I’ve killed enough threads on WC so I’ll bow out of that kind of discussion. It’s pretty obvious though given our country can’t even figure genders and pronouns.
Re: "our country can't even figure genders and pronouns" being what came to mind for you to illustrate what "woke BS" means...
Initial inclination was just to let this go with no response. I agree with you that I don't want to get this thread killed, and also this tends to be way too nuanced/complex a topic for this type of forum and not the type of thing that gets a good reception on here, unless you're joining in on the mocking.
But you are an influential poster on here, and from your posts in your Busted Up thread, it sounds like your recent accident and recovery process have led you to reconsider what's really important in life, how we treat each other, etc., so I'll take the risk of answering this and hopefully you, and others, will be openminded and listen to what I'm saying here vs. just rolling your eyes.
Purposely leaving all politics out of it. No snark at all.
The whole gender thing is not "woke BS". I have 2 direct experiences here -- a family member and also the now adult child of a very close friend who both identify with the gender they were not born with.
It's not just some phase or mental disorder or dismissible confusion of any kind, and certainly not laughable; it's just how they are actually wired. I am convinced of this, no matter how dismissive and skeptical and sometimes joking about it I previously was as well, because I've now spent years getting to know them as they really are, listening to them, watching them grow up.
I couldn't just let this slide by unaddressed since I would feel super shitty to do so... I love both of them, they are both incredibly kind, talented, intelligent humans who contribute positively to our society -- yet they (witnessed by their empathetic family and friends) go through almost daily hell hearing society mock and dismiss their reality.
There is NO way either of them would persist in identifying as they now do, continuing to be subject to the marginalization and ridicule if it were not real. It is definitely not "BS". And neither of them "chose" to be non-binary, they are sure of this and all of us who know them are also sure of that.
If it makes me "woke" to acknowledge the reality that human gender identity is more complex than simply 100% male or 100% female, then yeh, I'm now proudly "woke". Gender and sexuality simply are not the binary, black and white easy-to-categorize things that many of us insist they are or wish they were to make life more convenient.
Not trying to spur any kind of debate, and certainly not about pronouns, bathrooms, equity in sports, etc. How we as a society adjust to the non-binary reality is a whole 'nother thing beyond what these message boards can handle... The point of this post is simply to encourage you and others to reconsider that our country figuring out/struggling with genders and pronouns = "woke BS".
Thanks for listening.
Go Noles!