Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine receives full FDA approval

As expected, the worst of the numbers that no one wants to see increase has. Preventable death should not be taken lightly. The US has breached a 7 day average of 2,000 deaths for the 3rd time in this pandemic. This despite the country being more prepared than before and more equipped to fight the virus than the other two times.

Is that graph strictly deaths from covid or is it the combined category the CDC created of PIC (pneumonia, influenza, covid)?
It's not a CDC graph.
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They were the only company to decline funding from Operation Warp Speed.
they didn't receive R&D funding from the feds, that came from the German government ($0.5B) and was awarded to BioNtech. Pfizer did receive an initial $2B commitment from the feds for scale up and distribution though.
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they didn't receive R&D funding from the feds, that came from the German government ($0.5B) and was awarded to BioNtech. Pfizer did receive an initial $2B commitment from the feds for scale up and distribution though.
Which I have zero problem with. Their vaccine needed ultra cold storage and the logistics were a challenge.
Where are the figures found? What is the source of this graph?
Literally type in "US covid deaths" on Google...

Why are you acting all investigative? Its pretty common knowledge to anyone paying attention what the state of the pandemic is.
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Which I have zero problem with. Their vaccine needed ultra cold storage and the logistics were a challenge.
Not to mention they are not a distribution company. They have to hire vendors for this kind of stuff. It's not like Pfizer is just pocketing money.
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Not to mention they are not a distribution company. They have to hire vendors for this kind of stuff. It's not like Pfizer is just pocketing money.
Agree. Are Pharmaceutical companies NOT allowed to make money? How many of these folks questioning this have a 401 or IRA that includes a drug company, Pfizer or otherwise?
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Literally type in "US covid deaths" on Google...

Why are you acting all investigative? Its pretty common knowledge to anyone paying attention what the state of the pandemic is.
I would guess that any group reporting covid deaths is using CDC data. The CDC groups pneumonia, influenza and covid into one category. The total death numbers are not accurate because of this.
I would guess that any group reporting covid deaths is using CDC data. The CDC groups pneumonia, influenza and covid into one category. The total death numbers are not accurate because of this.
That is actually incorrect. The CDC's data varies significantly from a lot of other sources. In fact, their death numbers are lower than most others that I have seen.
I would guess that any group reporting covid deaths is using CDC data. The CDC groups pneumonia, influenza and covid into one category. The total death numbers are not accurate because of this.
that's not true. from a hospital admission standpoint they will group all three together by definition and count it as an admission by either a positive test or by symptoms. this does skew the hospitalization numbers.

from a death counting standpoint the CDC is very clear as that what is what in the link below.

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I'm scheduled for a Pfizer booster on Friday - just in time for basketball season at the civic center!
Haha I'm pumped for bball season!

My dad got boosted on Sunday. Said side effects were similar to the first two shots so be prepared to take it easy for a day or two.
that's not true. from a hospital admission standpoint they will group all three together by definition and count it as an admission by either a positive test or by symptoms. this does skew the hospitalization numbers.

from a death counting standpoint the CDC is very clear as that what is what in the link below.

It's a joke that the CDC still includes "intentional and unintentional injury, poisoning, and other adverse events" in the count. To be clear, those deaths likely meet the covid as a cause of death guidance issued by the CDC. You'd think we'd purge deaths where covid was not a primary cause. Instead, they continue to include clearly unrelated deaths which fuels skepticism about covid data generally. It's hard to say that skepticism is unjustified.

Nearly 1,000 of intentional/unintentional injury, poisoning, etc. in August alone. 6,500+ of them between November 2020 and February 2021.

I think everyone here agrees the data could be better so folks can make informed decisions and policies are based on something resembling reality.
Agree. Are Pharmaceutical companies NOT allowed to make money? How many of these folks questioning this have a 401 or IRA that includes a drug company, Pfizer or otherwise?
That is an excellent under rated post. You raise great awareness in just boldly questioning hypothetical situations. I just love to be an absorbing academia sponge of knowledge. Please keep up with your quality of posts. I can just feel my IQ rising or is just that my shorts rising up on me?
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Which I have zero problem with. Their vaccine needed ultra cold storage and the logistics were a challenge.
I'm all in for the ultra cold beer. Oh, wait.... My life's goals is to have zero problems. Kinda like a Zero Dark Thirty thing, if you will. And thanks for all the encouragement and affirmation. It puts an extra hitch in my giddy up.
That is an excellent under rated post. You raise great awareness in just boldly questioning hypothetical situations. I just love to be an absorbing academia sponge of knowledge. Please keep up with your quality of posts. I can just feel my IQ rising or is just that my shorts rising up on me?
The bold retort I have in mind here is not advisable. I could be sent to Chile.
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The bold retort I have in mind here is not advisable. I could be sent to Chile.
I've always loved Argentina, Peru, and Costa Rica this time of year. Bold retorts are virtually everywhere; several located right behind high traffic dumpsters.
they were able to make the vaccines so rapidly because a Chinese scientist from the Wuhan lab uploaded the gene sequencing data for COVID in early January 2020.

we could already plug and play with viral vector vaccines. mRNA didn't provide anything novel in that regard, it was just a different delivery system. mRNA is also a delivery system that Moderna, as recently as 2018, was having a real issue in not killing its test subjects when using it. Too low a dose wasn't providing a therapeutic effect, too high of a dose or repeated use was causing toxicity. No mRNA drug had ever made it past stage 2 of clinical trials prior to COVID. This is all well reported by STAT news.
I enjoyed this study which, in part, analyses the strengths of mRNA vaccines.

mRNA-based vaccines have become an increasingly attractive platform to fight the ongoing SARS-CoV-2 pandemic for a multitude of reasons. Firstly, the need for only a DNA template of the desired antigen to produce a vaccine candidate, resulting in an exceedingly fast manufacturing timeline [4]. Clinical testing of the first mRNA vaccine candidate (mRNA-1273) began on March 2020 [74], just 66 days after the SARS-CoV-2 sequence was publicly released on January 2020 [75], with the second candidates (BNT162b1 and BN162b2) entering into phase 1/2 clinical trials only a month later [76,77]. By contrast, the development of vaccine candidates utilizing traditional vaccine platforms has been lengthy because of the inherently slow nature of developing cell lines, generating virus, and/or producing clinical-grade protein subunits, as demonstrated by the fact that the only vaccines that have been granted emergency authorization by the FDA thus far are mRNA vaccines.

Secondly, mRNA vaccines elicited a very potent immune response in both animal studies and human clinical trials, as extensively discussed in Section 3 and Section 4. Importantly, these potent immune responses are substantiated by an impressive protection from COVID-19 in phase 2/3 studies [10,16]. While the FDA has initially stated that SARS-CoV-2 vaccines will require a minimum of 50% efficacy to qualify for approval [78], both of the current mRNA vaccines currently approved for emergency use authorization (mRNA-1273 and BNT162b2) reported a greater than 94% efficacy [10,16]. This level of efficacy sets a very high standard for SARS-CoV-2 vaccines, considering that the next most-advanced vaccine candidate in clinical trials (ChAdOx1 nCoV-19), an adenoviral vector vaccine from AstraZeneca/University of Oxford, is only about 70% effective [79].

mRNA vaccines also possess additional desirable features. Compared to other vaccine platforms, mRNA vaccines are appealing because of their minimalist nature. mRNA vaccines do not need a vector for their delivery/expression, thus removing the possible complication of pre-existing and/or de novo anti-vector immunity [80]. Differently from inactivated or attenuated vaccines, less important antigenic targets that do not lead to nAb generation are not included. Since there is no need for the involvement of any viral growth, the possibility of other contaminating viruses from the cell lines is removed. mRNA vaccines that are encapsulated in LNPs also do not require complex delivery methods involving electroporation, as required by DNA vaccines, nor do they need the addition of an adjuvant, which is required with protein vaccines. Moreover, as described earlier, all available data suggest that the mRNA-LNP platform polarizes T cells towards a Th1 bias, suggesting that the likelihood of these vaccines causing adverse events, such as VAERD (discussed in Section 3.2.2), seems quite remote.

Finally, mRNA vaccines can be readily modified based on need. Target immunogenic epitopes can be easily switched in and out of candidates, as all that is needed is the DNA sequence of the antigen to serve as a template. A SARS-CoV-2 vaccine construct can be quickly adjusted to target a newly emerged coronavirus strain [8].
My assistant's grandfather was not vaccinated and died of Covid two months ago. She got vaccinated immediately afterwards. She got a call yesterday that her cousin, whom still refused to get vaccinated, just died of Covid.

If you're able, please get vaccinated people.
My neighbor took the 💉 and still got covid and passed away. So if you can still get covid, spread covid, die from it and possibly have a severe reaction to the 💉 or possibly die from it, what's the point? So instead of pushing the poison 💉 maybe you should look into a diet that can reduce the inflammation in your body, exercise to strengthen your body and vitamins that can boost your immune system. Therapeutics such as ivermectin and hcq with vitamin c,d and z-pak have had great success in treating covid, but those treatments are cheap and the government and big pharma don't like cheap.
My neighbor took the 💉 and still got covid and passed away. So if you can still get covid, spread covid, die from it and possibly have a severe reaction to the 💉 or possibly die from it, what's the point? So instead of pushing the poison 💉 maybe you should look into a diet that can reduce the inflammation in your body, exercise to strengthen your body and vitamins that can boost your immune system. Therapeutics such as ivermectin and hcq with vitamin c,d and z-pak have had great success in treating covid, but those treatments are cheap and the government and big pharma don't like cheap.
Your body, your choice…you’re not changing any minds at this point…as anyone who is pro-vaccination isn’t changing yours. 2/3 of eligible US citizens have decided to be vaccinated (at least a single dose to date) as of October 12th, the other 1/3 have decided to exercise their choice not to. Live and let live.
My neighbor took the 💉 and still got covid and passed away. So if you can still get covid, spread covid, die from it and possibly have a severe reaction to the 💉 or possibly die from it, what's the point? So instead of pushing the poison 💉 maybe you should look into a diet that can reduce the inflammation in your body, exercise to strengthen your body and vitamins that can boost your immune system. Therapeutics such as ivermectin and hcq with vitamin c,d and z-pak have had great success in treating covid, but those treatments are cheap and the government and big pharma don't like cheap.
Why did you take the multitude of vaccines you've already had over your life time when there was still a possibility you could get the disease, spread it and die from it? Because it lowers the chances of that occurring. Also, a vaccine isn't poison. There was one study that shows ivermectin helps Covid. It was retracted because it's results were invalid. The company that makes ivermectin has also said there is zero data suggesting it treats Covid. Z packs treat bacteria. Covid isn't a bacteria. They even did a study and the results were that Z packs did nothing to treat Covid. Please get off social media.
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Literally type in "US covid deaths" on Google...

Why are you acting all investigative? Its pretty common knowledge to anyone paying attention what the state of the pandemic is.
According to the CDC the 7 day average for deaths in the US hasn't reached 2000 since Feb of 2021. Is it the CDC under reporting deaths or other outlets over reporting? I'm going to go with the later.
Why did you take the multitude of vaccines you've already had over your life time when there was still a possibility you could get the disease, spread it and die from it? Because it lowers the chances of that occurring. Also, a vaccine isn't poison. There was one study that shows ivermectin helps Covid. It was retracted because it's results were invalid. The company that makes ivermectin has also said there is zero data suggesting it treats Covid. Z packs treat bacteria. Covid isn't a bacteria. They even did a study and the results were that Z packs did nothing to treat Covid. Please get off social media.
They also did a study saying ivermectin and hcq didn't work but India is having great success along with thousands of patient and doctor testimonials. So again what's the point if you can still get covid, spread covid and die from it with the shot? It's funny how the same people who are responsible for the virus being released are the same one's telling you to take the vax.
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They also did a study saying ivermectin and hcq didn't work but India is having great success along with thousands of patient and doctor testimonials. So again what's the point if you can still get covid, spread covid and die from it with the shot? It's funny how the same people who are responsible for the virus being released are the same one's telling you to take the vax.
Under your analysis no one should ever get any vaccine ever bc technically you can still get the disease, spread it and die.
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I found this interesting stat:
COVID-19 was the leading cause of death among people ages 35 to 54 -- and the second-leading cause overall -- in September, according to an analysis by the Kaiser Family Foundation and the Peterson Center on Healthcare.
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I find it interesting that you people refuse to think for yourself SMH. A virus that has a 99% recovery rate is the leading killer? Maybe do a little research and find out George Kaiser is another corrupt liberal hack pedaling lies for their financial gain.
Another partisan post. Let’s clean this up guys.
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Of course it’s partisan. 100% chance it gets deleted if the mods see it. And what you consider "truth", many would view as an opinion.
The "study" above is opinion then and should be deleted. It just takes a couple minutes to research the organization and you'll see their agenda but y'all don't want to see that.
The "study" above is opinion then and should be deleted. It just takes a couple minutes to research the organization and you'll see their agenda but y'all don't want to see that.
You brought your politics in it to discredit a person, not the study. Maybe we should just report it and let the mods hash it out.
You brought your politics in it to discredit a person, not the study. Maybe we should just report it and let the mods hash it out.
Lol all you have to do is research the numbers and you see the study is fake. Then you can research the person and see the agenda. But like I said you people don't want to know the truth, you want to stick your head in the sand.
Lol all you have to do is research the numbers and you see the study is fake. Then you can research the person and see the agenda. But like I said you people don't want to know the truth, you want to stick your head in the sand.
Politics and personal insults. Good luck with that.

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