The "anti-aggies" grossly overstate the negatives of the school. Bryan-College Station certainly isn't much, but neither is Tallahassee or Gainesville. But A&M is a little over an hour from Houston, the fourth largest city in the that to Tallahassee or Auburn or Clemson.
While the Aggies can be a little over-the-top at times, they are fiercely loyal and have been for decades. This school that some say is in the middle of nowhere puts way more fannies in the seats on Saturday than any ACC school. Where do you think these people come from?
And although it might have been true at some point that UT was the place to be for all Texas high school kids, recent results indicate that this is no longer the case. The guys in Austin are having a hard time keeping up with TCU, Baylor and Texas Tech...ever been to Lubbock?
For some reason, the school has not hired the "right" coach, or maybe they did hire the right guy and the rich alumni meddled too much. Having lots of money can be a two-edged sword, so who knows if Fisher will be a success in College Station, but the school has lots of assets if they can find the right guy to take advantage of them.