All fan's vaccinated at raiders games

I presume you don’t live here. Your FSU card has just been revoked. We are over half vaxxed and the DeSantis Donor MYTH has been debunked,
Debunked by who? OANN? The My Pillow guy? The text messages are fake as well right?
Anyway I don’t see at all why they’d report vaccine breakthroughs but not natural immunity breakthroughs.
There is currently limited evidence. It is all preliminary and not reportable.
There is currently limited evidence. It is all preliminary and not reportable.
Why? Are they that lazy? It’s a very important issue given all this crap, but they can’t bother to report it?

As it is it would be less reported because we know a lot will have had it and not known it or not been diagnosed. But it’s still important and the failure to try to capture that data makes me a lot less confident in any of this.

In short, “it’s hard to get that data” is a weak excuse for them.
Just curious if all that was to explain why we wouldn’t see those numbers or of it was a short answer then discussion of other issues.

Anyway I don’t see at all why they’d report vaccine breakthroughs but not natural immunity breakthroughs.
it was to show that the only florida county that reports anything that approaches a detailed data set is still sorely lacking on the granular details.

tangentially, the numbers that miami dade reports as unvaccinated hospitalizations do not fit the size of their vaccinated population, particularly with respect to the 65+.
Why? Are they that lazy? It’s a very important issue given all this crap, but they can’t bother to report it?

As it is it would be less reported because we know a lot will have had it and not known it or not been diagnosed. But it’s still important and the failure to try to capture that data makes me a lot less confident in any of this.

In short, “it’s hard to get that data” is a weak excuse for them.
I reckon it's because with any new thing it takes time to conduct studies and for legitimate data to emerge. Also, its bad practice to report preliminary data just because it's there rather than waiting on evidence to be validated. There is a process and it takes time. It is like this with all science.
Except with all the other conclusions to which people have jumped. Can’t you just admit that’s a very important rejationship to know and there’s no good reason this data wasn’t tracked or reported?
Except with all the other conclusions to which people have jumped. Can’t you just admit that’s a very important rejationship to know and there’s no good reason this data wasn’t tracked or reported?
I didn't say it wasn't important, you are just being impatient. It is being tracked and it will be reported, but just because you don't see it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
Debunked by who? OANN? The My Pillow guy? The text messages are fake as well right?
I don't know who those people are.
Since you apparently do, please enlighten me.
I'm 100% vaccinated and hope everyone will be sooner rather than later. I hope you are too. Have a nice day.
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I’m not up to date on all court rulings but are there any cases saying the non-vaccinated are a protected class?
The non vaccinated are specifically not a protected class. They can (and should be) absolutely discriminated against. Probably the most ironic part of this is that its unions that are doing the best at giving the anti-vaxxers the "freedom" they so desperately crave.
I don't know who those people are.
Since you apparently do, please enlighten me.
I'm 100% vaccinated and hope everyone will be sooner rather than later. I hope you are too. Have a nice day.

I am indeed vaccinated and so is my wife, daughter(24) and son(18). I have worked in Healthcare over 20 years so I do get frustrated when discussing these things but it's nothing personal. I do apologize if I upset you. Have a great night.
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The non vaccinated are specifically not a protected class. They can (and should be) absolutely discriminated against. Probably the most ironic part of this is that its unions that are doing the best at giving the anti-vaxxers the "freedom" they so desperately crave.
A very interesting opinion..... And by interesting, I mean terrible.
A very interesting opinion..... And by interesting, I mean terrible.
^^^^can we “discriminate” against those citizens who violate actual criminal statutes (i.e., conduct that is more serious than ignoring a “mandate” or a “guideline”)? Or does the “equal protection for all” thing still apply to those criminal scoundrels too?

Weird how the opinions over masks and vaxing has reached this level of intensity and irrationality.
Just remember, the 2 in charge vehemently said they would not get the vaccine b/c it was created under 45. Shocker, the vaccine is the same damn thing today but both are 100% behind it and pushing issues like this all over the US.
Sorry if this crap has already been debunked. Didn't have time read through four pages of responses...

This is the kind of dangerous misinformation that just gets repeated often enough that those who want to believe it will take at face value and spread...kind of like Covid. This "won't take Trump's vaccine" is just flat out a misrepresentation of what VP Harris said. She said she wouldn't take Trump's word for the vaccine, but would listen to doctors and scientists, the FDA, CDC, etc. Those are the same people in charge when Trump was President. So acting like this administration has changed their stance on whether the vaccine is safe or not is BS, plain and simple. They have always been pro-vaccine.
Riddle me this: all of this controversy about attending football games….I am sitting on a jam packed airplane right now. No questions about who is vaxed and who isn’t. No temperature taking, and no “personal screening” whatsoever.

Survivor rides up front, of course, so there’s at least 18 inches of space between me and my neighbor. For the hundreds of schmoes in cattle class, however, they are literally on top of each other (of course) — way worse than at any sporting event.

Where is all of the panic and hand-ringing about Covid-19 in this context???? Answer: the airline$ (and related industrie$) are an integral part of the American economy, so no one wants to shut this down. Just pretend Covid is “suspended” on the planes, and save the theatrics for restaurants, small businesses and less “critical” industrie$.

The inconsistencies and irrationalities around the pandemic are staggering for anyone willing to pay attention (and be objective).
"But we shouldn’t shun people who have recovered from Covid. Vaccine mandates for in-person interactions—whether imposed by governments, employers or businesses—should make exceptions for the previously infected, who thanks to natural mucosal immunity are likely at less risk than never-infected vaccinated people of spreading the virus to others."

Dr. Segal is a neurologist and neuroscientist.

Follow Your Nose to Herd Immunity​

The biology behind ‘breakthrough’ cases and the confusing CDC mask guidance.

Yes thank you for citing Dr. Segal who regularly appears on conservative media and downplayed the significance of Covid from the beginning and believes that we should not be using resources for respiratory illnesses and said Covid was "just the flu."
The inconsistencies and irrationalities around the pandemic are staggering for anyone willing to pay attention (and be objective).
you mean like the genius who says it everyone's civic duty to get vaccinated and if they don't they're selfish. you mean that kind of irrational thought?
i was completely onboard with the masking, social distancing, i took the vaccine, but now that there is a vaccine that is effective and available to everyone there should be a return to normal. but why let a good crisis go to waste?
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you mean like the genius who says it everyone's civic duty to get vaccinated and if they don't they're selfish. you mean that kind of irrational thought?
i was completely onboard with the masking, social distancing, i took the vaccine, but now that there is a vaccine that is effective and available to everyone there should be a return to normal. but why let a good crisis go to waste?
In the last 4 days I have dined in a crowded restaurant, been to a packed church for Mass, spent an evening at a local festival and went swimming at a community pool with several hundred other folks. That’s off the top of my head. A year ago none of this happens. Glad to be back doing the things I enjoy.
In the last 4 days I have dined in a crowded restaurant, been to a packed church for Mass, spent an evening at a local festival and went swimming at a community pool with several hundred other folks. That’s off the top of my head. A year ago none of this happens. Glad to be back doing the things I enjoy.
locally i've been able to do most of that since May 2020.
you mean like the genius who says it everyone's civic duty to get vaccinated and if they don't they're selfish. you mean that kind of irrational thought?
i was completely onboard with the masking, social distancing, i took the vaccine, but now that there is a vaccine that is effective and available to everyone there should be a return to normal. but why let a good crisis go to waste?
still living in your head I see. 🤣🤣
If you are otherwise healthy and unless you have been told by your doctor that you should not get it for some reason then you are completely selfish if you dont. And I did really well in school but you calling me a genuis is making me blush. Move along

still living in your head I see. 🤣🤣
If you are otherwise healthy and unless you have been told by your doctor that you should not get it for some reason then you are completely selfish if you dont. And I did really well in school but you calling me a genuis is making me blush. Move along
That's a judgemental BS way to think. Two thumbs down. I'm going to wait for any possible long term effects, that no one knows about yet.

Doesn't make me selfish at all. If you're fat and weak and eat like crap, that's more selfish, since most folks dying of this are either older and/or obese. Who's selfish?
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That's a judgemental BS way to think. Two thumbs down. I'm going to wait for any possible long term effects, that no one knows about yet.

Doesn't make me selfish at all. If you're fat and weak and eat like crap, that's more selfish, since most folks dying of this are either older and/or obese. Who's selfish?
I'm thinking we're all becoming "judgmental", maybe it's just COVID fatigue.
Re-read your post...isn't it sort of judgmental, too?
I had a former co-worker die last month of COVID. He had a bit of a "tummy" but wasn't fat. Never smoked, always had a mask on. Early 50's. Just a super nice human being. No underlying issues like asthma or diabetes. Hardly selfish. 😟
That's a judgemental BS way to think. Two thumbs down. I'm going to wait for any possible long term effects, that no one knows about yet.

Doesn't make me selfish at all. If you're fat and weak and eat like crap, that's more selfish, since most folks dying of this are either older and/or obese. Who's selfish?
Wow!! Lol. Delta variant says hello! And it doesn’t care if you’re fat or old. Get the vaccine
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That's a judgemental BS way to think. Two thumbs down. I'm going to wait for any possible long term effects, that no one knows about yet.

Doesn't make me selfish at all. If you're fat and weak and eat like crap, that's more selfish, since most folks dying of this are either older and/or obese. Who's selfish?

This is the biggest myth about covid especially the Delta variant. And the ones that believe this are the ones that start screaming and begging for the vaccine when they realize their breathing is severely restricted and covid may not allow them to survive the night. That's when they start crying and begging for any and everything that's available. It's really sad. People need to wake up
That's a judgemental BS way to think. Two thumbs down. I'm going to wait for any possible long term effects, that no one knows about yet.

Doesn't make me selfish at all. If you're fat and weak and eat like crap, that's more selfish, since most folks dying of this are either older and/or obese. Who's selfish?
Old folks are dying at the highest rate. Those people are so incredibly selfish for aging and letting their immune systems diminish. They should know better.
I'm thinking we're all becoming "judgmental", maybe it's just COVID fatigue.
Re-read your post...isn't it sort of judgmental, too?
I had a former co-worker die last month of COVID. He had a bit of a "tummy" but wasn't fat. Never smoked, always had a mask on. Early 50's. Just a super nice human being. No underlying issues like asthma or diabetes. Hardly selfish. 😟
I wrote it that way ON PURPOSE!

I'm very sorry for your loss, I am. I know people who's elderly parents have died due to complications. But to say that I won't get a vaccine is selfish is complete and total bullspit.

Maybe your friend wasn't careful. Maybe he looked healthy on the outside but wasn't. Maybe not. I don't know. But my not getting vaccine because I'm concerned doesn't make me selfish.

Don't agree, that's fine. But I'm not selfish.
Wow!! Lol. Delta variant says hello! And it doesn’t care if you’re fat or old. Get the vaccine
Sure it doesn't. Please tell me...what are the statistics for people who struggle with this who are obese and prediabetic?

Post from the CDC the info, and get back to me.

I'll wait for longer term results of the vaccine to get the shot. Once it's proven safe, which is it not since it's still experimental (as far as I know), I'll strongly consider it. Doesn't sound selfish to me.
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This is the biggest myth about covid especially the Delta variant. And the ones that believe this are the ones that start screaming and begging for the vaccine when they realize their breathing is severely restricted and covid may not allow them to survive the night. That's when they start crying and begging for any and everything that's available. It's really sad. People need to wake up
Funny, the only folks I know who have struggled with COVID have gotten the vaccine. And they struggled with vaccine reactions too.

And how many people do you know personally that have had this reaction? Not read about them in the news, but actually, personally know?
Old folks are dying at the highest rate. Those people are so incredibly selfish for aging and letting their immune systems diminish. They should know better.
No, but many of these older folks have done ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to take care of themselves for years. If you don't think that has anything to do with it, that's fine. I disagree.

I said, older folks absolutely should consider the vaccine, and all boosters associated with it. Not sure what else I should say.
I wrote it that way ON PURPOSE!

I'm very sorry for your loss, I am. I know people who's elderly parents have died due to complications. But to say that I won't get a vaccine is selfish is complete and total bullspit.

Maybe your friend wasn't careful. Maybe he looked healthy on the outside but wasn't. Maybe not. I don't know. But my not getting vaccine because I'm concerned doesn't make me selfish.

Don't agree, that's fine. But I'm not selfish.
I don't think you're selfish. I apologize if I came across that way.
A lot of people look healthy on the outside but they are train wrecks inside, you're right.

I don't get why folks won't get vaxxed but I wouldn't be in favor of the Fed's knocking on doors with syringes, either.
Stay safe!
Sure it doesn't. Please tell me...what are the statistics for people who struggle with this who are obese and prediabetic?

Post from the CDC the info, and get back to me.

I'll wait for longer term results of the vaccine to get the shot. Once it's proven safe, which is it not since it's still experimental (as far as I know), I'll strongly consider it. Doesn't sound selfish to me.
Glad not everyone thinks this way. More and more are realizing with this variant that they need the vaccine. Don’t get it but please stay home or mask up!!
I don't think you're selfish. I apologize if I came across that way.
A lot of people look healthy on the outside but they are train wrecks inside, you're right.

I don't get why folks won't get vaxxed but I wouldn't be in favor of the Fed's knocking on doors with syringes, either.
Stay safe!
You took the high road. Better person than me.
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Sure it doesn't. Please tell me...what are the statistics for people who struggle with this who are obese and prediabetic?

Post from the CDC the info, and get back to me.

I'll wait for longer term results of the vaccine to get the shot. Once it's proven safe, which is it not since it's still experimental (as far as I know), I'll strongly consider it. Doesn't sound selfish to me.
Your parents got you polio shots, right? Your shots for school? Measles, mumps, rubella? Tetanus? SOMEONE had to get a jab to provide that data.
I was in the group that provided the long term data on the largest group of "Guinea pigs" in history - the first group of preschoolers to get the Salk vaccine in 1955. You're welcome. 😉
Your parents got you polio shots, right? Your shots for school? Measles, mumps, rubella? Tetanus? SOMEONE had to get a jab to provide that data.
I was in the group that provided the long term data on the largest group of "Guinea pigs" in history - the first group of preschoolers to get the Salk vaccine in 1955. You're welcome. 😉
Exactly! Vaccines have been around. They save lives.