@AllNoles, this is a better answer than mine above.that and the pure numbers aspect of it.
if you're over 50, or if you're immune compromised, or if you're in generally poor physical shape, of if you have one of the statistically significant underlying conditions like diabetes etc., then it's a very simple choice - get the damn vaccine.
but for people <50, heck just taking the 40-49 age group, the survival rate of confirmed cases is 99.63%. it improves from there as younger populations are included.
now factor that with the approximate 8-10% chance that you actually become infected to even have to consider the above.
on the flip side there is a 100% chance you could be exposed to an adverse event from the meds by taking the jab. not saying someone will but it is more certain than the alternative.
And the two parts I really hate....
1) judgemental a holes if you don't want to take it (not you)
2) potential forcing people to take it (you didn't say this)