I always perceived @Wendy79 as more of a voice of reason, a pragmatist. To be honest, I'm surprised Ronnie was able to bait her into responding.
Don’t underestimate me. If I can’t do it, homey, it can’t be done.
I always perceived @Wendy79 as more of a voice of reason, a pragmatist. To be honest, I'm surprised Ronnie was able to bait her into responding.
I always perceived @Wendy79 as more of a voice of reason, a pragmatist. To be honest, I'm surprised Ronnie was able to bait her into responding.
The last 3 weeks: CBD oil on dogs (positive experience!), a brief post about pot smoke, Chicago recommendations, bot flies, 2 posts about a shooting, a (positive!!) post about my cousin's experience using a P2P car rental, a couple about the CA fires, stating I'd prefer to not date someone who uses sex robots, and stating I didn't have sex with a teacher.
Oh, the weight of negativity must be unbearable.
Don’t underestimate me. If I can’t do it, homey, it can’t be done.
Actually, it's not uncommon for corporate location decisions to mirror the CEO's location. This phenomenon was addressed back in the 90s by Joel Garreau.If you went by the RFP, Crystal City does not meet the requirements which is why I disagreed with that selection. They have tons of tech talent, but fitting 50k employees on a strange part of the DC metro, with a high COL, does not really meet what the RFP implied. It's a suburban area, and they stated they wanted to be transformative, like they were with Seattle's downtown area. Just because it says in some article that Bezo's has a house there, does not mean that's the reason they selected that area. The main reason was the amount of incent provided (billions), readily available CRE (5 million sq ft), and infrastructure in place to handle 25k extra workers, but you keep thinking it was that $23mil mansion....
Actually, it's not uncommon for corporate location decisions to mirror the CEO's location. This phenomenon was addressed back in the 90s by Joel Garreau.
We'll wait.I guess I will have time to object later after I get off my sister, attend the klan rally, and move farther from the brown people.
Well, I read all 6 pages of this and really appreciate the snark towards people that live in South GA. I guess I will have time to object later after I get off my sister, attend the klan rally, and move farther from the brown people. Jebus.