Kid was/is on suboxone. When is the FDA going to get a grip on how these meds doctors so freely prescribe mess people up so bad? They write the scripts knowing the serious side effects and don't do any follow up to see how the patients are reacting to them. Kid was showing signs of trouble and NOTHING was done about it...
I don't like the tendency for some to try and pinpoint one specific thing that causes these tragedies.
Are we woefully inept when it comes to the identification and treatment of mental illness in America? Absolutely.
Have we become desensitized to racism, where someone like this can clearly be a raging bigot, and no one does anything about it or pipes up and says 'you know Dylann, what you're saying and doing isn't right...'? Most definitely. Dude seems to have had plenty of friends who not only knew he was a racist, but even knew he was planning to do something like this (how those people aren't held accountable in some way is beyond me). And I'm sure living in a state that clung to its Confederate history helped to shape his world view as well.
Is it far too easy to get a gun in this country, especially one that can do mass harm in short periods of time? Absofreakinglutely.
Do we have an overmedication problem in America fueled by greed from corporations and doctors? Most definitely.
Is it a problem that police are having to waste time policing things that aren't even crimes in many other first world countries, so they're unable to have any chance at preventing or minimizing crimes like these? Sure.
Do we have a terribly irresponsible media that fans flames, intentionally misleads if not outright lies, and/or perpetuates myths of victimization and "wars on..."? You better believe it.
And I am sure I missed something. Every single one of these things contributed to creating this monster.