Lol. We’ve gone from vaccines are a god send saving millions of lives after thousands of years of deaths from viruses and bacteria constantly to “god designed us to survive with natural immunity.” All those natural immunity is better studies say that you should still get the vaccine. Also, to get natural immunity you have to get sick with Covid.The natural immunity has the potential to last much longer than the vaccination. Don't jab people for the sake of jabbing people or because it is easier to track and trace. Facts should be shared 100% objective and compare natural and triggered immunity. Additionally, the vaccines with mRNA technology haven't been in circulation long enough to assess if there are any long term negative effects. For some the risks do not outweigh the benefits at this time. God designed us to survive with natural immunity and instinct to endure as a species, because we are created in his image.
There is nothing unsafe about a mRNA vaccine. No it does not alter any one’s mRNA or DNA.