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Does AARP offer hazard insurance if you're a ninja?
I'm looking, but I'm not sure how my aim is with throwing stars.

My aim is awesome. I spent my entire junior high years training to be a ninja. There was a dude at the flea market near my house that had no problem selling ninja weapons to kids. My parents weren't very happy in the learning stages with all the star and knife holes in my bedroom wall or the police bringing me home telling me I can't just walk around with nunchucks and a sword on my belt.

When we moved the year I started high school, the movers stole all my ninja weapons ... hey wait a minute ... after all these years I'm thinking it might not have been the movers after all.

I'm going to start brushing up on my Japanese.
Can I use foam rubber nunchucks or do I have to use real ones? Those things can hurt when you screw up.

I was really good with a butterfly knife though.