I lived in Atlanta for about six months surrounding the Olympics and go back at least once a year usually twice to visit a cousin who lives there. For as huge of a city as Atlanta is, its relatively devoid of a unique culture or much in the way of arts. It’s no different than Jax, Charlotte, Orlando or D.C. in that regards. If I blindfolded you and dropped you in Atlanta you wouldn’t know you’re in Atlanta, unlike New Orleans, Philly, and even Miami (which I’m not a big fan of, but Miami IS unique).
Some cities have a unique food, music, culture and vibe and others don’t. It doesn’t even seem to matter the size or not. Savannah, Key West, Asheville and Charleston are small cities but they have distinctive personality. Memphis, Louisville, Nashville, Birmingham, Lafayette and Richmond are mid sized cities but you can instantly recognize a distinctive culture and vibe. Dallas, Phoenix, Miami and Chicago are large cities but still distinctive (two of those I even dislike (Dallas and Miami naturally) but they ARE unique).
Atlanta and Charlotte simply grew too fast from too many different locations that there’s no distinctive culture other generic American. And yes Atlanta has more blacks than most big cities in the US and they place a large distinctive vibe to the city that more white bread Charlotte lacks but that’s not a distinctively ATLANTAN black culture except maybe to some degree the music, it’s just generic Southern black culture. What do I mean by that? The Gullah blacks on the sea islands have a distinctive black culture different than “generic Southern black” while in Atlanta you’re going to get the same “soul food” in Atlanta that you are in Birmingham or Jacksonville or any southern city with black chefs (so all of them).
Maybe in the future Atlanta will have something unique as there’s a lot of Brazilians immigrating there as well as Colombians and other South and Central American so that wave of immigration MAY become transformative like the Ethiopians in D.C. are becoming, but as of right now it hasn’t been fused into the culture just isolated pockets of ethnic cuisine that have stayed true to the original and not fused in and unique.
As far as airline travel, yeah Atlanta is easier and cheaper to go to anywhere as it’s a major hub airport. But an extra $150 a flight and two hours to get to Atlanta, Orlando, Charlotte, or the other hubs, hasn’t stopped me from traveling anywhere I want to go. This past year we haven’t traveled internationally because we chose to do Hawaii instead which is the same or more $$$ and time wise as international travel, but we’re going back to Scotland and France plus Iceland later this year. And I’ve still been to Honolulu, Maui, the Big Island, the Four Corners section of Utah, Phoenix, LA, Chicago, Monterey/Santa Barbara/Big Sur, DC, West Virginia/Shenandoah Valley, Louisville/Bourbon Country, Lafayette/Baton Rouge/“Cajun Country”, San Antonio, Austin, San Diego, Nashville and probably some areas I’m forgetting (I pulled up my iPhone pics map to remind myself where I’ve been the past 365 or so as some of the older stops like Toronto and NYC are a year and half or two years out even though it seems like not that long ago). And that’s not factoring in my countless drives to Otown/Tampa/St Pete to see relatives and the quick drives over to NOLA, Jax, Savannah, Pensacola, Biloxi, etc...
So if you’re stuck in Tally it’s because you’re either broke or sedentary not because there’s nothing to do.