First of all nice handle. Second, thank you. I’m cheating (sorry goldmom) as I live in Tallahassee but reading all the negativity on my town made me respond
. Tally is a great city IMO, albeit small and a “college” town, and I lived in Norcross, Ga. for most of my grade school years. I was born here though and Dad took a job (in Tally) just before my senior year. So after college (Georgia Southern) I moved back home. Met my wife and we’ve raised one boy (19) who’s currently in Army Reserve. Also have another boy at Deerlake Middle school. Oldest attended Deerlake also and graduated from Chiles. Great schools. I work for the Florida Park Service and my wife is a case manager with Morgan & Morgan (yes for the people). We love Tallahassee, father is retired and just bought a place on Lake Talquin. It’s beautiful out there. Yes highway 20 has some interesting folk. Y’all stop hating on Tally, we are WELL AWARE the airport sucks. I talk about it all the time. We love going to jump in Wakulla Springs when it is hot as hell during the summer. We enjoy the St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge and the short trip to St. George also. And if you want to talk about bad traffic, that’s Atlanta. Not sure I could live there again.