I can’t hear you!!
If your singing hit like
Cmon old farts lighten the hell up
Don’t make me start s “ cooter pie” thread!
If your singing hit like
Cmon old farts lighten the hell up
Don’t make me start s “ cooter pie” thread!
I for one want to include everyone in any discussion whether or not I agree with them i like hearing their opinions. I have only blocked one user and not because I disagreed with him but he was and contiues to just be an ass. I'm so glad to have this outlet. It has been said that humanity thrives on conflict. As a weak older this passes for conflict to me. Happy Happy joy joy.I don't want anyone to leave including you.
"I disagree with you say but would defend to the death your right to say it". I would appreciate the same courtesy without people reporting me because they disagree or are offended by my posts. I could also be offended by the zingers thrown my way...
I let it roll off my back, you should to.
^^^^M-F I cross paths with people whose candor and business integrity are sorely lacking. But then they show up as “church deacons” on Sunday, and publicly espouse their alleged virtues. LOL. Then they return to work on Monday and repeat their usual antics. “Church” is merely a prop for lots of folks.Going to church doesn’t make you religious. And you don’t have to pray in front of or with others to be religious either.
Lots of people say there Christians, but the “ fruits of the spirit” say otherwise^^^^M-F I cross paths with people whose candor and business integrity are sorely lacking. But then they show up as “church deacons” on Sunday, and publicly espouse their alleged virtues. LOL. Then they return to work on Monday and repeat their usual antics. “Church” is merely a prop for lots of folks.
Lots of people say there Christians, but the “ fruits of the spirit” say otherwise
But, we all fall short of the Glory of God!
Btw, all people are hypocrites at some point, not just Christians!
It has been my experience that the few “trans” people that I know are opposed to them competing in women’s sports. They don’t feel it’s right, as it does give an unfair advantage.What’s your personal opinion on the trans male-to-female competing in female sports topic?
I haven’t followed it closely enough and researched enough to form more than a gut instinct, and am open to changing my thinking here, but my underinformed stance on this one minor aspect of the trans experience is that it seems unfair for individuals with that physical advantage to compete against females born female. It has nothing to do with fault or blame since transgenderism isn’t some whim of a personal choice; I can’t even fathom what degree of “choice” is involved in those decisions and I’m sure that’s markedly different for different individuals. IMHO, somebody loses on the “life ain’t fair” roulette wheel with whichever decisions are made here regarding athletic competition… and how far does someone need to transition or not have transitioned before it’s most fair to the most people involved to draw any lines? But thinking like that still gives me heartburn since folks in any small minority are always going to lose out in decisionmaking that favors the majority.
Really have no idea how to address the female-not-born-to-biological-female-body athletic advantage conundrum.
Help me out here please with understanding that better.
Not attending church does not make a person an atheist, but you seem to feel it does.I'm not claiming it does.
My point is that religious Americans are a minority in America as shown by 80% of Americans no longer attending any religious service weekly.
Pre Vatican 2 Roman Catholics believed that non RC Christians were atheists.
I do not fully comprehend your reasoning unless you subscribe to these beliefs.
If I identify as a Zen Christian or. a Buddhist Christian, do you consider me an atheist?
OK. You have just defined religious Americans as those who go to church.Understood although that doesn't change the fact that only 1 out of 5 of Americans attend religious services once a week, which makes religious Americans a small minority today.
Church attendance of Americans 2022 | Statista
According to a 2022 survey, 31 percent of Americans never attend church or synagogue, compared to 20 percent of Americans who attend every week.www.statista.com
OK. You have just defined religious Americans as those who go to church.
IMO, that’s judgmental. I have not attended church regularly for a long time. How would dare to determine my religious beliefs and practices based on that admission?
When I moved from NYC to Ct, I visited all the Episcopal church in the area and did not like any of them. I stopped going.
So by your determination, I became an atheist? That is ludicrous.
OMG, that is so pre Vatican 2Church is crucial for salvation, IMO.
If a person rejects weekly Church, they probably won't feel comfortable in Heaven.
(I didn't go to Church for 15 years in a row.)
OMG, that is so pre Vatican 2
As a Catholic I know NO others in my faith who believe that you are automatically an atheist if you don’t attend church regularly.
But it’s a free country and people can believe what they want.
My kids grew up in Texas and there were Protestant kids at their school who said since our family was Catholic we weren’t Christians. Meh. My daughter also went to 17 Bar/Bat Mitzvahs. One of her soccer teammates wore long pants and a head scarf for games. Family was Muslim.
They ALL believed in a higher power.
I grew up in Florida and had public school kids in my neighborhood ask me if the nuns beat us every day at Catholic school.
Again, meh.
The freedom to believe or not believe in the same things is such a cornerstone of our country and we can’t forget it or let it slip away.
Yes, it was dogma, to my late MIL, but not to my late husband. There is not even consistency within the Catholic Church.It's a dogma in the Catholic Church that if someone dies in mortal sin, they cannot be saved.
Vatican 2 affirmed that teaching.
Catechism of the Catholic Church - PART 1 SECTION 2 CHAPTER 3 ARTICLE 12
Yes, it was dogma, to my late MIL, but not to my late husband. There is not even consistency within the Catholic Church.
I wasn’t responding directly to you in my first sentence.> As a Catholic I know NO others in my faith who believe that you are automatically an atheist if you don’t attend church regularly.
Same here. I didn't claim that. I claimed there is a correlation between the fact that 80% of Americans do not attend Church and atheism. That's all.
Not attending Mass is a mortal sin though, unless one is ill or has a reason for their absence.
> I grew up in Florida and had public school kids in my neighborhood ask me if the nuns beat us every day at Catholic school.
Again, meh.
Terrible. Sorry you experienced that.
Some nuns are horrible and some are saints. My great aunt was a nun and she was a saint.![]()
So is Brazil not a Catholic country? I’m asking because I’m curious as to what you think?There certainly is consistency.
All the teachings are in the Catechism.
Catechism of the Catholic Church
Show me one verse of scripture that suggests that. I'll show you one that doesn't.Church is crucial for salvation, IMO.
Why do you keep waffling so much?I do not claim you're an atheist. I don't know what you are.
So is Brazil not a Catholic country? I’m asking because I’m curious as to what you think?
Show me one verse of scripture that suggests that. I'll show you one that doesn't.
Ephesians 2:8-9 King James Version (KJV)
For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast.
Why do you keep waffling so much?
You've repeated multiple times that atheists (per your definition) include anyone who shows the slightest doubt whatsoever about whether or not there's a God (ie agnostics), and you've also repeatedly mixed in those who don't attend church weekly. Either own it or say, "I got out over my skis and spoke a bunch of unsupported by any data, pure opinion only nonsense"
You've wasted a lot of people's time responding to your nonsense (not that we had to, I totally get that), so yeh, the "I don't believe that" wishy washiness when in fact you've said it or suggested it repeatedly and continued debating multiple people about it is annoying. The creamers thing was kind of amusing. This is just lame.
When so many people from all different religious persuasions and practices "misread" your posts, you might consider what you wrote to be the issue.I think you misread my posts.
I do believe America is an atheist country now. I believe that based on multiple factors, including 80% of Americans rejecting religious services.
You are free to disagree, of course. My job is to inform, not convince.![]()
When so many people from all different religious persuasions and practices "misread" your posts, you might consider what you wrote to be the issue.
If you accept Jesus as Lord and Savior you are saved!
The Gospels are simple for a reason
Man always has to interject their little twists and wrinkles into the equation and muddy it up
Scripture says when one part of the body the whole body suffers, Protestant and Catholics need to wake up and embrace as brothers and sisters!
Brian Jesus says “ the church is within us”!
Lastly, if you’re a believer whether you get dunked or sprinkled your a believer
The Savior is for all who believe
Dude, you just said a lot!It doesn't. I don't go by Scripture alone.
Dude, you just said a lot!
I’m not sure if your trolling us or if you get your info from other places than the Bible, yes both the old and new testaments are important!
I wasn’t responding directly to you in my first sentence.
In fact I’m putting you on ignore.
Seek secular help. Just a thought.
I totally disagree!I go by Scripture and tradition, just like the early Christians did.
The Bible doesn't say "only believe what the Bible says" and the Bible came 300 years after Christ.
I totally disagree!
Jesus said “ put not your trust in man”!
Matthew 15:18 are his instructions concerning disputesJesus also said "when there is a disagreement, take it to the Church."
Matthew 15:18 are his instructions concerning disputes
The church is the last resort
Gotta go
The tractor awaits!
Very few have attended mass for ages. In the ‘70’s it was only the Portuguese refugees. But, when there is a funeral, it is a mass, a wedding, a mass.Now?
Definitely not. 90% of Brazilians don't attend weekly Mass.
I think I told you, my sister in law is from Santa Catarina. I went there in 2020. Her family doesn't attend Mass either.
Where Is Mass Attendance Highest and Lowest?
Which country has the highest Catholic Mass attendance? We can’t say for sure because surveys have not been conducted on the topic in every ...nineteensixty-four.blogspot.com
Very few have attended mass for ages. In the ‘70’s it was only the Portuguese refugees. But, when there is a funeral, it is a mass, a wedding, a mass.
Yet, most Brazilians would claim Catholicism as their religion even though many practice candomblé, as well.
There are many great movies that show how the two are intertwined.
Pagador de Promessas and Dona Flor are two in particular.
Candomblé would be described as pagan, with all the Saints corresponding to Catholic saints.
Do you really believe that the current pope would tell Brazilians that they’re atheists, given that he is from Argentina?
Then you sir are the atheist.It doesn't. I don't go by Scripture alone.