The Unvacionated

I just spent a couple weeks in San Diego last October. My wife stayed at a hotel fairly close to the airport for the first week and then moved over to our friends house in Carlsbad where I was staying. Our experience was exactly the opposite. We saw no drug deals. Didn't feel unsafe ever. Played tourist all over the area. Is it a big city with big city issues? Of course, but it was a very pleasant place to vacation and our friends who moved there 4 years ago love it. Only problem is they can't afford a house, so they rent a 3 bedroom, 2800 ft condo for $3500 month. They just moved into a 3 bedroom 1800 sq. foot condo (empty nesters) for about the same amount.

San Diego was in the 80's when I was a child. I was not robbed personally. There were people being detained for robbery / drugs at the border to Tijuana. I remember vividly because my parents were trying to shield me from it.

California has more people imprisoned than Alabama and Florida combined, which is terrible. Thankfully, we are making progress toward tearing down some of those jails and prisons and rehabilitating others to be more effective and humane.
So what would you do with the ones in prison? Let them out? Many people in prison are repeat offenders or habitual criminals. How can you sincerely tell the population that they are safe if you have no prison system, no police and no prosecution? That's a recipe for more crime. Add all these prisoners to a growing number of homeless people and that equals trouble for people.
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“People” is sufficient. “People who need help” is better.
They are homeless and people so they are homeless people. Do they need help? Yes some do but some are there by their own actions.

I guess we should call felons "someone who had a interaction with law enforcement" ? Sounds silly doesnt it?
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I live in one of those cities and spend a lot of time in the other ones, and I know the reality of it. The reality is that I feel safe here and have had absolutely no issues with crime.
That's your reality. That's not the reality for everyone. If a guy that lives there and works at a major hotel chain tells me to be careful and avoid certain streets there is a problem.
Classifying a group of people as a cancer now has a positive connotation? That is silliness.
Again I think homelessness was being called a cancer which it is, no matter what group it is. The people involved are not the issue.
As much as you want to play the white knight, no distinction was made. A blanket was thrown over all of the homeless and his fellow veterans are one of the largest groups. That is wrong IMO.
According to the VA in 2022 there was around 33k homeless vets in the US. Total homeless people in the same time frame was 582k. Vets make up around 5% of that so probably not the largest group.

To be clear Gary said cancer, not homeless, people or even crime. Im not sure how you got to him referring to people as cancer. But if you want to be offended go ahead. Homelessness is a cancer on society one that we have all failed to fix.
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Seems to me that if your not living in the middle of this, and I mean it’s at your doorstep, your place of business, and you have to experience the public defacation, urinatiion, open drug use etc, how can you make an accurate description of what the taxpayers, homeowners and business owners are going thru 24/7

You can’t

Don’t say you visit the areas, see it on the news, talk about it on message boards and then try to say that your feeling what these people affected by it are!

The only way to get something done about it is move the camps into the wealthy politicians neighborhood!

Let’s hear from someone who lives in this mess daily, and are getting no relief!
According to the VA in 2022 there was around 33k homeless vets in the US. Total homeless people in the same time frame was 582k. Vets make up around 5% of that so probably not the largest group.

To be clear Gary said cancer, not homeless, people or even crime. Im not sure how you got to him referring to people as cancer. But if you want to be offended go ahead. Homelessness is a cancer on society one that we have all failed to fix.
Thank you for telling us what he meant when we could all clearly read what he wrote.
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Homeless people that do drugs and commit crimes should be called what? Good people?
I'd say, " Salt of the earth"...
People that kill, rape, steal and hurt innocent people are cancers to society and need to be removed from society, one way or another. I don't give a ____ if they're homeless or live in the Taj Mahal.
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Seems to me that if your not living in the middle of this, and I mean it’s at your doorstep, your place of business, and you have to experience the public defacation, urinatiion, open drug use etc, how can you make an accurate description of what the taxpayers, homeowners and business owners are going thru 24/7

You can’t

Don’t say you visit the areas, see it on the news, talk about it on message boards and then try to say that your feeling what these people affected by it are!

The only way to get something done about it is move the camps into the wealthy politicians neighborhood!

Let’s hear from someone who lives in this mess daily, and are getting no relief!
I live in Florida most of the time and we have homeless here living on the streets, in the woods ect... I travel to many cities across the US frequently and see it in LA, San Diego, Atlanta, New York, Chicago its real because ive seen it progress over the years. What they need to do is leave the country and come back as a migrant, they would get better assistance that way.
Thank you for telling us what he meant when we could all clearly read what he wrote.
Like I said if you want to be offended go ahead. Clearly we all cant see that because not everyone agrees. He said the cancer is spreading. If you got that people are a cancer from that I dont know what to tell you.
Ok, here’s a question

We all agree there’s a homeless situation in America

And resources are thin

So why are millions of people being let into the country, taking up resources that could be applied to the homeless?

I don’t get it
Yep, they're rewriting the "Warsaw Pact" as we speak. Getting the whole gang back together. Good times.
I am not, so I cannot say what it’s like on a daily basis for those who are

I have no clue what it’s like

Nobody can unless we are in that situation
“Homeless people” is much better than “cancer,” which was the point of the conversation. I do find the argument that “unhoused” is more accurate than “homeless” compelling, and I do generally believe in the use of person-first language.

The standard in my field currently is to refer to people with criminal convictions as “system-impacted individuals.”
Nice way to make it sound like its the systems fault and not the individuals. I was always told you sleep with dogs you get fleas.
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So, you support Putin and his goal of reestablishing the USSR? Interesting.
Again not what he said. Why spend abroad when we have pressing needs here? Your good at putting words in peoples mouths.

The US had a very big hand in the invasion and could have done more to prevent it. Instead we provoked a country into a proxy war. If were going to help Ukraine we should help them by putting him down for good like we did all the others.
So, you support Putin and his goal of reestablishing the USSR? Interesting.

I support taking care of own first and foremost.

When I see hundreds of thousands of illegals flooding our border and the administration doing diddly poo to stop it.. and when billions upon billions is being sent to another country, when we have our own issues here, it should piss you off..

It’s sad that it doesn’t.

75 billion could go along way here, right? But no, send it to Ukraine
I support taking care of own first and foremost.

When I see hundreds of thousands of illegals flooding our border and the administration doing diddly poo to stop it.. and when billions upon billions is being sent to another country, when we have our own issues here, it should piss you off..

It’s sad that it doesn’t.

75 billion could go along way here, right? But no, send it to Ukraine

The American military budget is $790 billion PER YEAR.

$75 billion in military aide to Ukraine is peanuts.

It's a great deal to pummel Russia and Putin. He's an enemy to the free world and he hates America.


The American military budget is $790 billion PER YEAR.

$75 billion in military aide to Ukraine is peanuts.

It's a great deal to pummel Russia and Putin. He's an enemy to the free world and he hates America.


75 billion would go a long way to help the homeless crisis wouldn’t it? 75 billion would go a long way to secure the border. Would it not? 75 billion into our school systems sure would help..

But let’s send it to Ukraine
The American military budget is $790 billion PER YEAR.

$75 billion in military aide to Ukraine is peanuts.

It's a great deal to pummel Russia and Putin. He's an enemy to the free world and he hates America.


Not sure why your calling me out but... I'm not sure you fully understand how Defense budgets work. 10% of the annual budgets isn't peanuts its more than 5 member countries pay into NATO every year. That's money that could be going to facilities, cyber programs, new technology or maintenance of existing equipment. Is the safety of Ukraine worth the lives of US troops? Since the answer is yes then go and do it. Get rid of him now while he's weak. Don't continue to pour money into another war of attrition. There's more to the US spending money over there than the safety of the Ukrainian people. If that was the concern Russia wouldn't have attacked them.
Not sure why your calling me out but... I'm not sure you fully understand how Defense budgets work. 10% of the annual budgets isn't peanuts its more than 5 member countries pay into NATO every year. That's money that could be going to facilities, cyber programs, new technology or maintenance of existing equipment. Is the safety of Ukraine worth the lives of US troops? Since the answer is yes then go and do it. Get rid of him now while he's weak. Don't continue to pour money into another war of attrition. There's more to the US spending money over there than the safety of the Ukrainian people. If that was the concern Russia wouldn't have attacked them.

Exactly. It’s still money being spent.. so if that money can’t technically go towards our border or the homeless. It’s still money that isn’t being spent on things you mentioned, facilities, programs etc
I don't agree with him at all but... Ukraine was part of Russia during the Warsaw Pact. They truly believe its theirs and many Ukrainian people believe they are Russian.

The US having troops in Ukraine would be the equivalent of Russia having bases in Mexico. Wouldn't go over well. However, Putin is a destabilizer and wants to take down an independent nation which should be stopped. If we don't take him down while we have the chance he will continue his antics.
The American military budget is $790 billion PER YEAR.

$75 billion in military aide to Ukraine is peanuts.

It's a great deal to pummel Russia and Putin. He's an enemy to the free world and he hates America.


Our money is going to the corrupt government of Ukraine and is defeating no one. The article was from November. How's the war coming along nearly half a year later? 100% the money would be better served here in the US.

True idiocy on display!

Reality? 1. The unvaccinated that haven't caught Covid possibly have genetic immunity?
2. Those that caught Covid and survived have acquired immunity?
3. /4. The vaccinated that continue to catch/or not catch Covid.

The long term effects for all 4 remain unknown.
Yes, it is ridiculous hyperbole to say that these things are “literally” happening on everybody’s front porch “24/7.” That is just not accurate. I have lived and worked in Los Angeles for 20+ years, and I have occasionally seen unhoused people behaving erratically. It’s not happening “literally” “24/7” on everybody’s front porch. Your video is from an affluent suburb in the valley. It’s being reported on the news because it is unusual, not because it’s happening 24/7 in front of every business. In a densely populated metropolis of 10 million people, you are going to occasionally encounter people being inappropriately. Of course, if you have an agenda, you can then edit a video to imply that this is somehow happening everywhere all the time. That does not make it true. You can choose to trust a sensational video edited for clicks or you can listen to somebody who actually lives and works here.

Brain, cmon
What I said is if your not affected with this problem, in your face 24/7 then you cannot say it’s not bad

Because you live in la doesn’t mean your impacted by this like others are, la is a huge city

How can you not understand what I’m saying

Why not just answer the damn question, when you open your front door are the encampments in your face

Don’t try to act like your at ground zero when your not!

You and Brian jumped on folks using the word cancer to describe this situation

Fair enough, but what if someone whose little children have to see this, wade thru this on the way to school?

You stand with the encampments but what about the people directly affected by this? Do they deserve it, is it fair to them?
So, which category do vets fall in? How many are in each group? Please give me the number of vets who are cancers.
I learned a ton about the homeless in my 5 years living in Seattle and the best I can tell there are different versions. In the PNW there were those that chose the “lifestyle”, liked living off the grid, traveled up and down I-5 and squatted in different cities depending on the weather. Seemingly enjoying the freedom of picking up with no ties and obligations. And then there were those who were incapable, for whatever reason, of living what most of us think is a typical existence. I am pretty sure which category most if not all homeless vets fit under.
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The very first thing you do, and it’s absurd that this has to be said explicitly, is not refer to unhoused people as a cancer. You do not dehumanize and denigrate them.
Homeless people can’t exist in a vacuum. The system that allows it to perpetuate is the cancer. The ambivalence or even acceptance is the cancer. There are reasons some cities or areas experience a higher level of “unhoused” people.
What do you mean by "allows it to perpetuate?" What would you suggest that we here in California do to reduce homelessness?
It is systemically ignored if not widely accepted. How about investing some of that ridiculous amount of taxes levied to offer shelters, programs and solutions? I have never seen government do less with more than my time on the left coast.
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Our money is going to the corrupt government of Ukraine and is defeating no one. The article was from November. How's the war coming along nearly half a year later? 100% the money would be better served here in the US.


Russia is getting slaughtered in men and materiel not to mention their economy is crumbling.

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Not sure why your calling me out but... I'm not sure you fully understand how Defense budgets work. 10% of the annual budgets isn't peanuts its more than 5 member countries pay into NATO every year. That's money that could be going to facilities, cyber programs, new technology or maintenance of existing equipment. Is the safety of Ukraine worth the lives of US troops? Since the answer is yes then go and do it. Get rid of him now while he's weak. Don't continue to pour money into another war of attrition. There's more to the US spending money over there than the safety of the Ukrainian people. If that was the concern Russia wouldn't have attacked them.

I'll just disagree with you like Ronald Reagan would.