Next weeks episode at a glance, appears to jump forward a little bit like this case is closed?
Odds are he is gay if for no other reason than there is no other gay character on the show that we know of (at least yet). And we all know you can't have a TV show without at least one gay person anymore.
What was this about? Tell me where I was wrong.
You think his character is gay just to be gay to meet some Hollywood quota? I prob wouldn't have taken exception to your comment if it weren't for the last part of your comment.
I am not sure yet what the ultimate story line for each of these characters is, but I seriously doubt they have spent this much time exploring Woodrugh's past in the show to appease a certain part of the population.
The guy that blew up the Caddy was wearing a white mask. Was there a white mask on the wall in that apt. that CF got shot? Can't find an image of the wall. May not mean anything other than a disguise.
Looks like one of the mask from the post apocalyptic movie set.
Well it looks like we were right in thinking vv lied to cf when giving him the rape suspect.
Also, everything seems pretty straight forward at this point. There's got to be something else right?
This might be reading way too much into it but it ties in well with the "Jordan was a party girl" theory. Maybe Mayor Chessani's wife was a party girl too, and the operations Pitlor had performed on her rendered her unable to have children, like Jordan. There's a big emphasis on the dynastic nature of the Chessani family, so maybe it was vitally important to the Mayor to have children to pass the Chessani legacy on to. The fact that Chessani had to resort to taking in foster kids to secure that legacy could've driven his wife crazy.
Given the Chessani local political power, it probably wouldn't be a difficult thing to arrange for Mayor Chessani to take the kids in as fosters, and then formally adopt.
I see a Mexican gang vs Franks gang scene coming up.
Who think's Ani's sister is gonna get wacked now, she gave them her name "Athena".
"What did you do"?, asked the dying Russian, You got Zoro'd by an ate up crazy chick with knife skills dude.
They went hard as MFr's in that last scene, they have to keep that quiet. I would love to see them go rouge vigilante on them know.
Blake is on the shit list now and is probably the one who mislead Frank and Ray up with the fake rapist.
The retired cop said that the people who murdered the kid's parents were wearing masks...I wonder what kind? Are the kids getting revenge?
Ray's kid wants to watch Friends and eat pizza while his dad tells him the most important and last words he will ever say, and the little fat ginger says "K" while stuffing more pizza down.
Kitchen table scene and the nail torture scene were great! Wish we had more of that. "Ray don't you effin shoot me!"
Bucket list scene with the Mexican Stand off made me real life lol.
Ray wants to use a cheese grater on the rapists dick? Damn
Had to look up the last song playing as the credits rolled. Great song and this band was used in an episode last year as well.
3. Saw another blog recap brought up that the two kids who witnessed the robbery of the blue diamond and murder of their parents look like and are about the same ages as Mayor Chessani's kids. Not sure what that would even mean, but thought it was interesting.
Kitchen table scene and the nail torture scene were great! Wish we had more of that. "Ray don't you effin shoot me!"
Had to look up the last song playing as the credits rolled. Great song and this band was used in an episode last year as well.
Speaking of which: anybody else notice the weird change to classical (almost like non-vocal opera; didn't recognize it) in the party scene? Was an abrupt, incongruent change, but not bad.
Wonder if Lt Burris is the "thin cop" that the woman Frank was pursuing said paid her to pawn Caspar's stuff.
Yea, I think he is involved. I don't think that he is THE killer, but definitely involved somehow.I think that's a safe assumption, I also think he's the crow mask killer who offed Casper and shot Valcoro with the rubber bullets. He was first on scene after he was shot, he was also all up in Valcoro's apartment without a key.