Yeti knockoffs

I have the Yeti Hopper 20. I've been using it at the lake and in our boat this week. It's great when you don't want/need a big hard sided cooler. Easy to carry with over the shoulder strap too.

I have this as well as the yeti cooler. The cooler sucks to be honest and won't keep ice as long as they claim it can. I've heard you can reach out to Yeti and they will send a new seal but it was too late by time I found that out. The Hooper was worth the money even though it's a pain in the butt to get stuff in and out of it.
I have the Yeti Hopper 20. I've been using it at the lake and in our boat this week. It's great when you don't want/need a big hard sided cooler. Easy to carry with over the shoulder strap too.