It seems to be the trend in the fantasy space. First Discworld, then Song of Ice and Fire, and now the King Killer series.
I just had a guy convince me to start reading the King Killer series. Is that really the case that he might not finish it?
It seems to be the trend in the fantasy space. First Discworld, then Song of Ice and Fire, and now the King Killer series.
He also could have picked them off one by one while they were sitting ducks on an island for a few feels shallow because it is rushed; it is rushed because there are only 7 episodes this season instead of the traditional 10. Also, there are hardly any new characters to introduce, and few to develop. So we bounce from event to event to event without learning anything about anyone.
Everyone seemed to enjoy Arya's brief visit with those nice Lannister soldiers. Scenes like that one are the casualties of the 7 episode season.
Also, the Night King throws his spear like he's Caitlyn Jenner in ' BS. if he were really that strong he could just walk across the water and bitch-slap Snow, Hound, Giantsbane, and the rest into oblivion.
I just had a guy convince me to start reading the King Killer series. Is that really the case that he might not finish it?
The wife and I rewatched the episode last night and I think the answers to why they had chains, why didn't they pick off the group, why there happened to be just one wight after Jon killed the walker and why there was a single party separated from the horde is because it was all part of the Night Kings plan. He needs to get south of the wall and defend himself from Dany's dragons. The solution is a zombie dragon or three. He knew they were coming and set a trap to get the dragons. He knew there were shipping chains in Hardholme from when they fought there last season. It cant be a coincidence that his group of walkers just happened to have exactly 3 ice spears and he was at a good vantage point to pick them off. We know that he has powers similar to Bran's just not to what extent or how those two are connected.He also could have picked them off one by one while they were sitting ducks on an island for a few days.
The wife and I rewatched the episode last night and I think the answers to why they had chains, why didn't they pick off the group, why there happened to be just one wight after Jon killed the walker and why there was a single party separated from the horde is because it was all part of the Night Kings plan. He needs to get south of the wall and defend himself from Dany's dragons. The solution is a zombie dragon or three. He knew they were coming and set a trap to get the dragons. He knew there were shipping chains in Hardholme from when they fought there last season. It cant be a coincidence that his group of walkers just happened to have exactly 3 ice spears and he was at a good vantage point to pick them off. We know that he has powers similar to Bran's just not to what extent or how those two are connected.
I just had a guy convince me to start reading the King Killer series. Is that really the case that he might not finish it?
Neither here nor there, but the finale is 80 minutes this week. That's a lot of GoT!Read that the chains were already there and visible at the frozen lake prior to the ww's battle. As to the other time warp stuff and dialogue I agree, though the Tormund and Hound were great together.
It's a shame that certain characters have become weak now that Martin is no longer the source material (littlefinger and tyrion). And that they are fumbling along trying to close everything out in what seems like an effort to please the fans, but I was able to enjoy the episode for what it was and thought the action scenes were fantastic and had me on the edge of my seat throughout.
Agreed on Littlefinger as the worst storyline, he needs to go immediately, none of it is believable and it would be uber lazy, unnatural writing to kill off Sansa or Arya over the absurdity. None if it fits the feel of series.
I have a feeling Cersei kills Brienne next week and Jamie does nor forgive her. I also don't think Cersei will believe the wyght but I can't figure out the outcome of the gathering.
Seems obvious Daenerys will not make it to the end now which is a little surprising, still hoping she kills Cersei.
Bran is definitely pointless at this point so all of his arc seems like a red herring unless there's a Keyser Soze unveiling.
Neither here nor there, but the finale is 80 minutes this week. That's a lot of GoT!