Ughh, Bartolo bunts into a double. I must say that is not surprising.

No mo Bar-tol-o...
No mo Bar-tol-o...
No mo Bar-tol-o!!!!

Snitker said they may try him out of the pen. So he will give up runs late instead of early and blow leads! :confused:
Someone told me today the Braves will probably end up owing him 6 million. I just can not believe that? Did the Braves really offer a contract with guarantees to a 44 year old overweight pitcher?

Lamet has his A plus game tonight. Maybe they can wear him down or just tip your hat and try to win the next one.
Someone told me today the Braves will probably end up owing him 6 million. I just can not believe that? Did the Braves really offer a contract with guarantees to a 44 year old overweight pitcher?

Lamet has his A plus game tonight. Maybe they can wear him down or just tip your hat and try to win the next one.

Braves dump Bartolo Colon

SAN DIEGO — Bartolo Colon and the Braves are no more. Big Sexy has left the building, having been designated for assignment Thursday after the latest in his string of terrible starts for the Braves.

Colon, the oldest active major leaguer at 44, was 2-8 with an 8.14 ERA in 13 starts for the Braves after signing a one-year, $12.5 million free-agent contract in November. The Braves will swallow the remaining salary he’s owed rather than continue to use him as a starter or try him in a relief role for which he seems ill-suited.

“It’s unfortunate for him and for us,” Braves general manager John Coppolella said. “Not sure anybody took it harder than he did when he wasn’t performing. Seems like he felt he owed it to our fans and the Braves to try to have a good season. We wish him the best going forward. He’s a great teammate and a great person. Whatever happens, he’s had a great career.”
Jeez, what a wasted opportunity this series was to get to .500! Every time they get close, they lose a few in a row. :mad:
Are the braves going to mess up and win the east? Playing decent ball and getting Freddie's bat back.
I doubt that will happen but I think they are closer to the Nats than they are a wild card spot.
Actually looks like 7.5 back in east and 6.5 back in wild card. Could be interesting with Freeman back. No pressure on Braves. Not saying they will make playoffs but slight turn in right direction could see them still in it in late August or early September. 81 games to go.
Actually looks like 7.5 back in east and 6.5 back in wild card. Could be interesting with Freeman back. No pressure on Braves. Not saying they will make playoffs but slight turn in right direction could see them still in it in late August or early September. 81 games to go.

Either way, for the Braves (especially the young players) playing meaningful games in September would be important even if they don't make the playoffs.
Actually looks like 7.5 back in east and 6.5 back in wild card. Could be interesting with Freeman back. No pressure on Braves. Not saying they will make playoffs but slight turn in right direction could see them still in it in late August or early September. 81 games to go.
You're right. The Rockies' 1-9 in their last ten. flipped that around.
At the beach this week and the local broadcast does not include the braves. Apparently while my cable provider has fox go the do not stream the braves. I'm limited to only check out scores. :(
Well they got shelled last night. Hopefully that's not a preview of what's to come.
Damn @Bobcat07! Have your boys show a little mercy!
Honestly, I've never seen an Astros team play this consistently well. The lineup is relentless right now from top to bottom. It's fun to watch after watching 2011-2013 when they lost over 100 games every year. Also, I can't believe they are 31-9 on the road right now. I think it was 2 or 3 years ago they struggled mightily to win on the road.

This might sound unbelievable given the last two nights, but I was impressed with the Braves. They've got a good core (Inciarte, Freeman, Flowers, Adams) and as soon as the pitching gets more seasoned it looks like they are well on the way to be loaded for the future. I miss the rivalry the Astros had with the Braves in the late 90s-mid 2000s since they moved to the AL.
Houston looks like such a juggernaut. While there were a few mistakes the braves made that they took advantage of a lot of what I watched was some exceptional hitting of some very good pitches. It was impressive in one respect and yet very frustrating to watch us get worked like we did.
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Folty has really come on as of late. Reminds me of Smoltz.
Johnson blows a three run lead in the ninth spoiling yet another outstanding effort by Dickey. Johnson is no closer.
Whatever happened to Shae Simmons? He showed great potential then got hurt I think.

Johnson blows 3-run lead in 9th, Nationals win in 10

“Trust me I’d like to be a lot more consistent,” Johnson said. “Just kind of go back, get some sleep and look at it tomorrow, with fresh eyes and unbiased, make the changes I need to make and adjustments I need to make. I’ve had bad stretches before and been in funks before. It’s not like I’m not healthy or anything like that. Like last year, I was fighting some physical stuff. I think it’s just about maybe a little bit better execution on some things.

“There might be something I’m missing or doing different, but yeah, there has to be an adjustment.”
The Nationals snapped the Braves’ streak of four consecutive wins in extra innings and denied what would’ve been a fourth Braves win in five games this season at Nationals Park.
“It was really good up until the ninth inning,” Braves manager Brian Snitker said. “Those things happen. You hate it when it does, but there were a lot of really good things…. (Johnson) has been real dependable. The guy’s a horse, he takes the ball all the time. I’ve got no problem with Jim Johnson. My God, he’s saved our rear so much.
“Those things happen. It’s happening all over baseball. It’s just tough because we’re fighting to get to .500 and chase these guys, but that’s a pretty good ballclub over there. They give a lot of people fits. It’s a tough loss, we’ll bounce back and go out and win the game tomorrow.”


Johnson blows 3-run lead in 9th, Nationals win in 10

“Trust me I’d like to be a lot more consistent,” Johnson said. “Just kind of go back, get some sleep and look at it tomorrow, with fresh eyes and unbiased, make the changes I need to make and adjustments I need to make. I’ve had bad stretches before and been in funks before. It’s not like I’m not healthy or anything like that. Like last year, I was fighting some physical stuff. I think it’s just about maybe a little bit better execution on some things.

“There might be something I’m missing or doing different, but yeah, there has to be an adjustment.”
The Nationals snapped the Braves’ streak of four consecutive wins in extra innings and denied what would’ve been a fourth Braves win in five games this season at Nationals Park.
“It was really good up until the ninth inning,” Braves manager Brian Snitker said. “Those things happen. You hate it when it does, but there were a lot of really good things…. (Johnson) has been real dependable. The guy’s a horse, he takes the ball all the time. I’ve got no problem with Jim Johnson. My God, he’s saved our rear so much.
“Those things happen. It’s happening all over baseball. It’s just tough because we’re fighting to get to .500 and chase these guys, but that’s a pretty good ballclub over there. They give a lot of people fits. It’s a tough loss, we’ll bounce back and go out and win the game tomorrow.”
Johnson seventh blown save -- 2 in the last 3 appearances -- puts him in a tie for the most blown saves in the majors. Makes one wonder what pitcher Snitker is referring to ...
42 wins compared to 31 last year at the half. A few tweaks and this team may be able to sneak into the playoffs.

The Twins pick up Bartolo Colon and the Mets are not happy because they were not able to pick him up. Are these baseball clubs losing their friggin minds?

Can Camargo continue to just be a fill in player? Where do you put him?

Brandon Phillips is in final year of contract and beginning to get long in the tooth at age 36. He has come close several times this season in some close collisions with Ender by what appears to a dislike for being called off high fly balls. He has a good rapport with the team and for all accounts seems to be a good club guy. Defense was great last night but second on the team with 5 errors. He has hit the ball very this year even thought slumping in the month of July. If the Braves can get a value trade now would be a good time to do so.

Dansby is leading the NL with 14 errors and has struggled at the plate every month except for June. He is the local guy and is one of the most promoted players on the team to sell tickets. If the Braves want to be a playoff team, they must get more consistent production from their SS.
Whatever happened to Shae Simmons? He showed great potential then got hurt I think.

After being on the DL about 15 times and going through all his rehab, he was traded in the offseason to Seattle along with Mallex Smith for pitching prospects. I believe he may make his season debut after the break.
After being on the DL about 15 times and going through all his rehab, he was traded in the offseason to Seattle along with Mallex Smith for pitching prospects. I believe he may make his season debut after the break.
Once again Atlant's relief pitchers cannot hold a lead for Dickey -- home run and a wild pitch for a score... he"s going to have to finish his own games.