You hit on a lot of the points I have been making for 2 years now. Nice post.
Many have been making these points and I probably learned some here. It is only now that people are able to question the official talking points.
On another note nobody questioned the downside and financial cost of the policies/lockdown.
1) Own a small business, shut down. Walmart, Costco, problems stay open. Lost businesses and livelihood.
2) Mental Health Effects. Addictions went up. What are some going to do when they are locked inside all day? What are they going to do when they can't attend their support meetings? What is the mental impact of the elderly who are unable to have visitors for over a year? Churches quit meeting although a few brave pastors like John McCarthur told the government FU.
3) "no one thought to think about these issues before because it you told them we would mask 2 year olds". I know what you meant. Many thought of these issues, but they had no voice, deleted from twitter and facebook, risk losing their jobs. China is the most egregarios perpetrator here. Xi Jinping promotoed a policy of zero tolerance and is unable to save face once establishing this policy. Multiple cities the size of New York locked down for weeks and months. Supply chain disruptions which are causing global companies to rethink their supply chains. I was in a Maza dealer a few weeks back and they had ZERO Mazda 3's in stock (equivalent car to Honda Civic). Due to the chip shortage, the available chips were being used only in high end cars. The salesman told me that a Mazda 3 was coming in a couple of days, but a guy from South Carolina had already purchased it and was flying to Florida to take delivery. There is a huge pent up demand for cars right now (myself included, my daugter also), but I am going to wait until some sense in prices.
The list goes on. Thankful I do not live in California.
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